Extreme Influence Teamup this saturday- 50's only!
I might be up for this depending on what I'm fixed up for on Sat.
Im also after the Inf badge and I wouldn't mind get some Pestige, all depends on the time
Time? I'm pretty sure I wrote that in the original post...
*whistles innocently*
Ill be there with Dixon. Working on my 5th Inf badge right now.
Okay, guess we won't be getting a full team, but whatever... we'll meet at the ferry in PI - 12 noon BST - and see if we can't pick up some more teamsters. See ya there...
Okay, so, double exp week-end, huh? That's very nice. Seriously.
Wait, you get double inf and prestige too? NOW you're talking.
Here's the idea... instead of just trolling around for random pick-up teams, how about a bunch of us 50's get together on saturday and makes some truly sickening ammounts of influence and/or prestige? Personally, I'm working on the 3 last Inf-badges, and I'm probably not the only one. Other may need large ammounts of inf to supply lower-level SG-mates who are low on cash due to running in SG mode. And some may just want to make lots of prestige for their SG's. Whatever the reason, there's no such thing as 'Too much inf'...
So. Let's team up, eh? Run some level 50 missions, on Invincible, killing everything in sight - basically doing whatever we can to optimize our IPS (Influence Per Second) and taking whatever we can get. I'm in with BlackDragon. Who's with me?
We'll start at 12 noon, BST, unless anybody's got a better idea...