shields? what for?
is about being in the right place as the right time
if a granite tank popped into a mob of 10 +3 psi foes n died in about 10 seconds would you think they were naff?
sr is the overall best protection available to a stalker.
i am currently playing it for levelling. placate is useless as i am 5 time on 6 hitten by mob attack.
granite as a weakness true but are you gonna tell me that the weakness of sr is... mob's attack?
I'd be intrested to know what your slotting on your SR defenses are. I've never had any real problems with Placate. Especially after getting Evaison
SR has high defence, clickie mezz. But doesnt have heal, unlike regen, nin and dark. Its a very end-heavy set, a bit of drain or -recovery and all that is left is elude.
Dark is resist based, a FA-scrapper can hit through elude, but wont hit that hard or a dark. Dark can heal insane rates, but at a high end-cost.
Each set has pro's and cons. Mostly it comes down how you play and what you like.
Weird that your granite brute wasnt that good, they still can last extremely long.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
i have 4 stalkers:
level 27 Em/nin(i took only one shield and did not slotted it
level 29 spine/sr (all shields 3 def + passiv)
level 21 Ma/nin (3def in the 2 shields )
level 17 MA/regen
i hade the oppportunity to play a level 40 ma/nin stlaker and a level 40 em/stone brute(not as good as it seemed too :/)
what i see in play:
-my regen see opponent attack missing almost at the same rate than my level 21 nin
-my sr is hit by 80% of the blow in pve
-in pvp there is always something that can hit you through your defense (like elude for exemple)
so what is the interest of taking shields for a stalker?
the more farg i got was with my level 27 Em/nin that focus only on damage and have no defense.
i did not had the opportunite tu test a regen at high level (recluse event wasn't long enough ) but for the moment he ssem to be the more effective as they all take quite the same amount of damage that regen can heal better than kujiin sha
so is there a world conspiracy against me or does shield are as it seems to me almost useless?