Plant/thorns build advice please




Lo all, relatively new to this dom business. My new alt is an awe inspiring 8 levels old!

Basically im asking for some advice on powers to choose/avoid and slotting and also what travel power to go for.

This is something of a concept character but im having a few problems fitting a travel power into the concept of the plant/thorn mentality... any suggestions? Cheers V.


Proud Member of the Liberty Legion

Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender



Can't comment on your /thorns, but can comment on your plant.

Firstly, you have chosen the perfect dominator primary IMO - you have great soft control, and a lot of it!

I started off with getting most of the control powers, to make up for lack of slotting (I'm all for extra control, but I think with planties, you can get by with minimum in later stages- plus my secondary has a lot of decent powers)

As I progressed and levelled, I started to respec the "extra" control (the single immoblize, the mass immobilize, the sleep)

Strangler I've slotted with the standard 2 ACC 2 REC 2 HOLD

Seeds of Confusion - ahh the lovely seeds - I hope you picked up this power since it is one of the defining powers of the set. OK, you gotta set your self up into position, and a few ACC enhancements wouldn't go amiss, but it can be used most of the time to take initial aggro strikes at low levels. I have slotted this with 3 REC, 2 ACC and 1 CONFUSE DURATION (OK, Ok I don't know the abbreviation for that :P - CONF DUR?) I want this to be up every single fight. 3 Recharges brings this down to about 31 secs and the initial duration is 45 secs. The power it self seems pretty accurate against even con/yellows, so I would suggest slotting it initially with a ACC, then REC, then work your way up to fully slotting it.

Another defining power, the most talked about, Carrion Creepers - Take this and you will love it. It will be your best friend. Targetted - Speed - Fly - Jump, Knockdown/back, Slow, Immobilize - can you think of anything better? Who needs Ice Slick?!

Slotted this for 3 recharges so far (I'm not high enough yet). Did I also mention when you have initially used this power, and the group you were fighting is dead, an invisible entity follows you to the next group. Vines shoot out of the ground shortly after you begin fighting, the whole process starts again. To me, it feels like it's perma simply because of the way it works. By the 3rd group of mobs, it is recharged again. (or maybe I fight slowly )

You need this power, nuff said.

I'm only lvl 28 so I haven't got my pet yet - but I will probably be slotting it with 2 ACC and 3 DMG as I do with all my pets.

Hope that helps.

@Under Control