Some Ice / Dark feedback please...
I don't see Darkest Night mentioned anywhere - did you just not mention it, or are you honestly not planning on taking it? If the latter, I'd really suggest you rethink that... a lot of people consider it one of the defining powers of the Dark Miasma set, and it's a fantastic power. Especially AVs/Heroes, which there are plenty of in CoV.
There are just too many good powers in Ice/Dark to have all of the useful ones at once, that said. It really depends what you want to go for. Personally, mine is single-target only, with the exception of Blizzard. I just couldn't afford the slots to make Ice Storm really worthwhile, and Freezing Breath's slow animation annoyed me, as did the endurance usage. I used it a lot during earlier levels, but after a respec at 24 found I was barely using it anymore, and I've now respecced it out altogether. Ice/Dark certainly could be played more towards the AoEs though, if you enjoy them - Tar Patch certainly helps the damage from them.
As far as holds go, I've gone with Freeze Ray and Petrifying Gaze. Two holds lets me stack on bosses, and I love being able to do that. Bitter Freeze Ray has an awful activation time and again uses rather a lot of endurance - I took it, then dropped it ASAP. I now also have the hold from my Patron Pool, which I have to admit is somewhat overkill in a lot of situations, but it means I can help stack holds with other characters in PvP or on AVs... plus, if I need to hold a boss, and one hold misses, I still lock it down.
Shadow Fall is fantastic, make sure you do get it. Stacked with my patron power shield, it's become especially good (both have energy resist). The psy resist in it is really handy for helping protect Brutes who have no psy resist and take a real beating if they're handling a lot of the aggro from psy-using enemies.
As far as the Fitness pool... how are you finding your endurance is holding up? I found Ice/Dark to be the single most endurance-intensive character I've ever played, and it drove me to utter despair at times. The toggles do NOT help this at all though, and it looks like you don't have them. Bitter Ice Blast will eat through your endurance as well. I actually went Stamina-free until a respec in my 20s myself, grabbed it as soon as I could after realising my mistake, but found I was still gasping for breath once I had it. I found I was better off on large teams where I didn't need to act like a main damage dealer, though. Anyway, I'd say Stamina is a must, especially if you pick up Shadow Fall, Darkest Night, and Bitter Ice Blast. Using the holds will start eating into your endurance, as well. Oh, and I'd take Hurdle over Health - extra movement is never bad, Hurdle is actually faster than Swift, plus Health is a very small boost, and pretty much useless when you have a self-heal.
As far as the attacks go, I pretty much always go with 2 acc/3 dam/1 recharge. I was considering switching to an endurance reduction rather than a recharge, but have since picked up Power Sink from my patron pool, and instead I'm happy to just keep spamming the attacks as fast as I can. The two acc was more done for PvP, where base def is higher - you may be okay with one in PvE, but that could depend on what levels you tend to fight. I like to fight much higher levels, and now that I'm used to two acc, I won't go back to one.
If you're going to bother having the AoEs, my feeling would be they're only worth the endurance cost if you get them slotted right up so they do plenty of damage. I'd slot Freezing Breath the same as the single-target attacks. Blizzard has a huge acc boost and just needs 3 damage and as many recharge as you feel like, and I'm honestly not entirely sure on Ice Storm. I'm sure a little forum searching would turn up an answer on how to slot it, if no one responds here.
I'm going to stop now since this is getting horribly long and rambly, but feel free to ask anything else. My Ice/Dark is my absolute pride and joy, and probably my favourite character ever, so there's a good chance I'll have something to say if you're looking for opinions on any more power or slotting choices.
I might even get my intended guide written up sometime soon if I can focus myself a for a while...
Personally, mine is single-target only, with the exception of Blizzard. I just couldn't afford the slots to make Ice Storm really worthwhile, and Freezing Breath's slow animation annoyed me,
[/ QUOTE ]
My thoughts exactly
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
The two acc was more done for PvP, where base def is higher
[/ QUOTE ]
Its the base Acc that is lower, not the Def which is higher.
Its just a tiny quibble
The two acc was more done for PvP, where base def is higher
[/ QUOTE ]
Its the base Acc that is lower, not the Def which is higher.
Its just a tiny quibble
[/ QUOTE ]
That's actually a very common misconception. Here's the actual patch note from the devs about the change that was made to PvP:
In PvP, all players have been given a 25% bonus to base Defense. This change was made to help power sets like Super Reflexes and Force Field that rely on Defense, as they were underperforming in PvP. These power sets were originally balanced against the base to hit chance of minions, which is much lower than the base to hit for characters. This change has no effect on PvE.
[/ QUOTE ]
The initial post made about the change listed it as being a change to base accuracy in PvP. This was incorrect, and the patch note was replaced fairly quickly. Apparently, the two work out pretty much the same anyway.
For whatever reason, the "reduced accuracy" reasoning stuck in people's minds, I guess because it was posted first.
Thanks for that Cyber, really good feedback ;D I'll probably end up dropping Frost Breath - the long animation is annoying - and taking Darkest Night instead, and Hurdle instead of Health... then one more Hold and I'll be set. I still have the respec from the last patch, so I'll probably end up using that when I've worked out all the slotting.
As far as End goes, I currently don't have the toggles or Bitter Ice Blast, and have slotted some end redux in Ice Blast and Twilight's Grasp (my most used, most end-heavy powers) and it's not really a problem running without Sta. I find I'm resting once, maybe twice per mish... bit more when I'm pushing the pace... which i can live with
You guys know about the strategy guide you can download here - - right? It contains numbers for damage, end use and animation time of all the powers as well as descriptions for them... some of it pretty surprising. I mean, there's not a lot of point in Bitter Freezing Ray when it takes longer to cast, uses more end, does less damage, and holds for the same amount as Freezing Ray and Ice Blast together... ok, maybe if you had to have one more hold
Yeah, I've seen the guide - sadly, I've already seem some distrust as far as the numbers in it, but it must at least be a good general guide. Personally, I tend to go on a combination on the numbers in Sherk Silver's hero builder program, searches or both the EU and US forums, and my own experience.
Anyway, good luck with the respec - if there are any powers left you're unsure about, then maybe level a bit more, take them, and try them out before you do it. My Ice/Dark's first build was an utter mess, since I didn't know the two sets and was just trying out everything I could, but it worked, and gave me a good idea of how to respec her into something that worked better for me.
Lol, had I had a real blast today kiting a melee-based Elite boss around half a mish The slow from Ice combined with Swift means that even if Tar Patch is down, they never get more than one hit before you can get away... Ice Storm worked really well too, in getting them to run away when Tar Patch is down. Great fun!
I hate to keep posting to the same thread, but I can't resist adding a few last thoughts, since I respec'ed a while back, dropping Frost Breath, Aim and Howling Twilight in favour of Darkest Night, Hasten and Freezing Ray (very happy with the new spec, Hasten is *hugely* better than Aim, it boosts your single-target damage output by a lot and lasts much longer, as long as your end can take the strain).
Shadowfall's been a bit of a surprise - I reckon the numbers in the strategy guide which say it contributes more +def than combat jumping or some tank shields are correct, it's a very noticeable boost in surviveability when slotted with 2x +def. I know most people recommend slotting it with +dmg resist, but that only contributes to a few types of damage, and with the I7 changes to defense I reckon +def is a better bet for it.
Here's a list of top tips:
* Darkest Night kicks ^backside^... solo'ing +1 bosses and elite bosses becomes so much easier - their damage output drops to almost zero when Darkest Night gets stacked with Shadowfall slotted for defense watch out for the long-ish cooldown if your toggles drop though, it's nice to be able to drop Ice Storm centred on yourself as a defensive barrier in that case
* other than on bosses Darkest Night is a bit situational because of the long triggering animation, and you can easily do without it before lvl 25-26 (while Frost Breath's extra damage is pretty useful at earlier levels)
* slotting one damage + one recharge is better than two damage, or 2 recharge... it's because multiple slottings of the same type add percentages, while rchg multiplies the effect of your damage slotting as well as the base damage
* slotting rchg also increases the slow effect of the ice blast powers, which is a nice added bonus
* above lvl 25 it is not worth having more than 4 slots in Ice Bolt because you tend to have many other powers which you use; that means that the incremental increase on the low-dmg bolt is not used as often... for the same reason it's not necessary to slot end-rdx in Ice Bolt
* slotting your most end-heavy powers with end-rdx is the way to go... I'd recommend 2x end redux in Twilight's Grasp, Bitter Ice Blast, Darkest Night and Freezing Ray (if you use it often), and at least one in Ice Blast and Shadowfall
* with the above and Stamina with 2x end-mod you won't run out of end except on Elite boss fights, where you might need one or two Inspirations
* slot Freezing Ray (and Fearsome Stare also) with +duration instead of +rchg... it means you get longer holds for the endurance cost and have more time for using damage powers, while being able to use Freezing Ray on more than one target at a time is not that useful because of the time you waste switching targets
* slot Fearsome Stare and Tar Patch with at least one recharge each, preferably two, on top of duration extensions... the cooldown is quite long, so they'll be used at most a couple of times per fight, but they're great crowd control, and you'll want them to be up as often as possible... beware of Fearsome Stare's surprisingly long range, you can pull other groups quite easily with it
* Ice Storm gets a big +acc bonus, so slot for +dmg and maybe one end rdx or rechg (here also Rchg increases the slow bonus for some reason)
* when using Ice Storm a big group, switch targets continually between blasts as they scatter... taking a chunk of the health off each member as they run can increase Ice Storm's damage output a lot as Scourge starts to trigger
* whenever possible use Tar Patch and Ice Storm together... not only do the slows stack, preventing mobs from running out of the Storm, but Tar Patch's dmg resist reduction boosts Ice Storm's damage and causes Scourge to trigger earlier... great for taking down big spawns
* if you don't take Superjump for travelling, keeping Health on the way to Stamina (rather than Hurdle) is a good thing... slotted with a +heal SO it regens a surprising amount of health, and you should certainly be able to tackle 3-4 minion spawns without using a heal
Hopefully that's useful to someone at some point I may pick up Howling Twilight again later, it's a great res even though it has a long trigger animation which makes it quite hard to use under pressure.
Oh and btw, I very much recommend re-specc'ing at lvl 28 in particular - at lvl 29 all your 25 SO's go inactive, and by respec'ing at 28 you can cash them all back in for infamy, then you add a chunk of extra infamy to re-buy all lvl 30 SO's... and that problem never re-occurs, because once you've done this once you should be able to earn enough infamy by level 32 to fully upgrade to lvl 35 SO's, and so on. Funnily enough dying once in a while helps with this, because it slows down your rate of xp gain vs infamy gain (which is otherwise at a fairly fixed ratio).
Ok, so here I have my 21 ice/dark corruptor. What I've got at the moment is this:

Ice Bolt / Ice Blast - main single target offense
Freezing Breath / Ice Storm - decent AoE damage
Aim - boost for either single target or AoE when it matters
Twilight's Grasp / Howling Twilight - groupie healing & mass crowd control
Tar Patch / Fearsome Stare - regular debuffs & keep-em-off-me
Swift - helps with the levelling
Air Superiority / Fly - close-up-offensive-defense & movement
What I'm pretty sure I want to add later:
Freezing Ray - at least one hold
Shadow Fall - a defensive power, and in area too
Bitter Ice Blast - to round out single target damage
Health / Stamina - for the extra end
Dark Servant - super source of debuffs and good for taking alpha strike too
Blizzard - gotta have the nuke...
That leaves me with one more power before lvl 40... whaddaya think? Are there any major holes in that? Maybe take another hold? Or combat jumping for some extra defense? Or some utility like Recall Friend?
I'm slotting my main single target offense 2 Acc/2 Dmg/1 Rchg/1 End... just 2 dmg on the aoe stuff so far... how much do i need acc on that later on? Or am I better off boosting the debuffs? I'm playing mostly PvE at the moment, PvP has never been a real focus of mine.
Advice from more experienced corruptors would be much appreciated ;D