Is this ok for a human warshade build?




Is this build good for a human WS?

Shadow Bolt (4 slots)
Ebon Eye (4 slots)
Shadow Blast (3 slots)
Dark Detonation (3 slots)
Gravity Well (3 slots)
Dark Extraction (3 slots)
Quaser (3 slots)
Gravitic Emanation (3 slots)
Startless Step (3 slots)
Essence Drain (3 slots)

Absorption (3 slots)
Gravity Shield (6 slots)
Penumbral Shield (6 slots)
Twilight Shield (6 slots)
Stygian Circle (3 slots)
Shadow Cloak (5 slots)
Stygian Return (3 slots)
Eclipse (2 slots)

Swift (3 slots)
Health (3 slots)
Stamina (3 slots)

Manuevers (6 slots)
Assault (3 slots)
Tactics (6 slots)



I suspect you'd need acrobatics..



-Gravitic Emantation
-Dark Detonation
-Starless step
which leaves 9 slots

Combat jumping
Jump Kick

can you help with the slots for leaping then?



Nice work out, seems basically Flauless, but you will suffer Knock Back which is a pain in the *** so if you can spare the Slots Go For Leaping Pool Mainly For Combat Jumping to add Defence & Acrobatics Stops allmost all kockback's and best thing is Acrobatics only uses 1 or 2 End Reductions Depending how you play your alt.
And here you have . . . .
Gravity Shield (6 slots)
Penumbral Shield (6 slots)
Twilight Shield (6 slots)
Personally i think 5 Slots would be enough giving you an extra 3 slots to play with.
Also you have 3 Slots on your Sprint, which i personally find a waste, i would look for a better place to use 2 slots & just use 1 slot with Run Speed, but yet again just my personal oppinion, i would rather run a little slower if i know the 2 Slots would make a noticable difference Somwhere Els like maybe extra slotting your stamina for example or a faster recharge on 1 of your heals maybe. But you have done An ACE Job with that build gratz.
Hope It Helps.
Good Luck rebuilding.
Cya Online



But you have done An ACE Job with that build gratz.
Hope It Helps.

[/ QUOTE ]

havent got it on live yet so i can try out what people tell me to do, right now im trying to fight mako for someone else



Here you go, my Human Warshade to 50 build:

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name: Negative Energy
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Shadow Bolt==> EndRdx(1) Acc(3) Dmg(13) Dmg(15) Dmg(17) Rechg(21)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1) DmgRes(19) DmgRes(50)
02) --> Gravity Shield==> EndRdx(2) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(5) DmgRes(5)
04) --> Gravimetric Snare==> EndRdx(4) Acc(7) Dmg(7) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) Immob(31)
06) --> Shadow Blast==> EndRdx(6) Acc(9) Dmg(9) Dmg(11) Dmg(11) Rechg(23)
08) --> Hurdle==> Jump(8)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10) Rechg(13) Rechg(15)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12) Rechg(17) Rechg(19) Rechg(21)
14) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
18) --> Gravity Well==> EndRdx(18) Acc(23) Dmg(25) Dmg(25) Hold(27) Hold(27)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(29) EndMod(46)
22) --> Starless Step==> Acc(22)
24) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(24)
26) --> Gravity Emanation==> EndRdx(26) Acc(33) DisDur(33) DisDur(33) DisDur(46) Rechg(48)
28) --> Dark Matter Detonation==> EndRdx(28) Acc(31) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Dmg(34) Rechg(36)
30) --> Inky Aspect==> EndRdx(30) Acc(36) DisDur(37) DisDur(37) DisDur(46)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Rechg(32) Rechg(37) Rechg(39) Acc(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(40)
35) --> Stygian Circle==> EndRdx(35) Rechg(40) Heal(48) EndMod(48)
38) --> Eclipse==> Acc(38) Acc(40) Acc(42) Rechg(45) Rechg(45) Rechg(45)
41) --> Unchain Essence==> EndRdx(41) Acc(42) Dmg(42) Dmg(43) Dmg(43) Rechg(43)
44) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(44)
47) --> Super Jump==> Jump(47)
49) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Rest==> Rechg(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1) Range(36) Range(50) Range(50)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Range(10)
01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)

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I dont know if this is any use to you mongoose but here is a site for herobuilder

I like triform myself I had nova and then respec'd it out and then really hated playing my warshade because she was no where as near as a damaging or as effective in teams.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Well you've missed out Sunless Mire and Unchain Essence from Primary, 2 of the set building powers

Mire is the WS version of Buildup, and Unchain Essence is great Superior damage, it's like a mini nuke with a nice mag Disorient.

Gravitic Emanation, coupled with Inky Aspect and odd uses of Unchain Essence would easily disorient any mob. Throw in Orbitting Death into the mix and u could pretty much be the Team Tank, Controller AND blaster in one go

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