GGOOC - advertisements? - Discuss




[edit] Instead of executing my own half baked plan that looks good, I thought it best to get it out here for discussing. "Containing my enthusiasm" as Aisla would say . So with that in mind, I bring you my idea. My idea and my thoughts about it, pro's con's I've been able to come up with.

We have the GGOOC channel, which is an Out Of Character channel where mostly RPers 'hang out'.

It's most likely to be the biggest collection of RPers in CoX.
Although that could be a misunderstanding cause by my limited view on CoX RP or just a view spawned by pride.

Now, there are things afoot in the RP community. New ideas are being put into execution.

In order to help these 'new ideas' get off the ground and let them be better known, the GGOOC could be used to reach out and make them known to a wide audience that is (generally) the target audience.

First, I would like to get a notion on what people think would be a good way to support these new ideas.
[edit]Or, indeed, if we should even try.

Pro: New 'means' get known sooner, their integration will go faster (for better or worse).

Con: It could be seen as favouritism or meddling.

Would a "Message of the Day" be the best course?
* Everyone that logs onto the channel will get it, so everyone will (have the opportunity to) read it.
* The MotD will be tagged with a time and date when it was put up.
* It can only be changed by a Moderator

* The MotD can't be removed, only replaced with a blank line. (keeping the "this is the MotD of (time/date):" line)
* People stop reading the MotD if it remains the same or similar (in size) for a period of a few days: they've read it already. So if it is changed, it could easily go unnoticed. The time/date tag, I doubt anyone will really pay attention to it until they notice the message has been changed.
* It can only be changed by a Moderator
* It is limited in size to the normal chat limit (even a little less due to the command)

Would an "advertisement broadcast" be better?
* Would need no Moderator to set it up
* Could have more things advertised

* Would need repeating to get to (most of) the audience
* Repeating at intervals will be considered annoying
* Would ideally have to be cleared by the moderators

So, please, discuss!
Should GGOOC support other venues?
If so, what would be a good way to do so?
And lastly, what should and what shouldn't be 'promoted'

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Chat channels are nice for brainstorming, but they're not very good for advertising. Chat channels are, by nature, dynamic while advertisements are static. People don't join a channel to read ads, and they quickly learn to filter them out; whether they come in a motd or in regular "spamming" of an ad-line.

The best place to advertise is here, on the forums. Maybe someone should start an "active roleplays" thread and get Bridger to sticky it. Something like the various guide threads on the US forum, where the original post is edited to keep the "front-page" up to date.



As one of the mods of GGOOC, I don't have an issue with this as long as it's ONLY for advertising other RP venues and goes NOT detract from the GG scene.

Things such as the Fusion FM "radio" channel for example, are fine.

What I suggest is, we have a MOTD saying people may advertise other RP activities in there, but:

1) They MUST contact the channel mods for permission first.
2) Only named people may send the ad
3) The ad MUST be RP related (And no, costume competitions are NOT RP!)
4) No more than 1 ad per 20 minutes, so there is no spam

EDIT: Of course, it would be preferable for ads to be placed on the forums instead, but not all RPers use the forums... In fact, not all RPers use the GGOOC channel either.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.