One of my chars in the wiki is gone, but I was not sure what the protocol is with regards to non-existant characters/deletion.
Anywhoo I've left a little note on the bottom of the character info thing,but have not deleted him myself as I know some Wiki's only let mods do that.
((Yes it was Longshot, nooo twas not a name deleation..Though in hindsight I can see how people might have been shocked the name go through ))
In the noble pursuit of as little work as possible, just add a comment that the character is deceased to their page. They are superheroes, after all. Who knows when they return from the dead or someone new picks up their mask to carry on the good fight?
One of my chars in the wiki is gone, but I was not sure what the protocol is with regards to non-existant characters/deletion.
Anywhoo I've left a little note on the bottom of the character info thing,but have not deleted him myself as I know some Wiki's only let mods do that.
((Yes it was Longshot, nooo twas not a name deleation..Though in hindsight I can see how people might have been shocked the name go through ))