Looking for a SG




I am lvl 16 now and missions are a bit to hard to do solo. Also when I log around 20.00-24.00 most days I end up spending 30min if not longer looking for a team, and most of times much lower lvl than mine.
So I am looking for a Super Group I could join which plays around those times. Well established with helpful members around lvl 15+ or higher. Good teamwork and not too much messing about :P

Myself I am 27, played CoH for about a month now.

So any SGs in need of a Tech Blaster lvl 16? Let me know

Send me a PM and I will get back to you



Flaming Rangers is just a SG I made up but has no members, its just me



Come join us at the NBR.

We are very cative and coalitioned with the Last Line of Defence and also with most of the 1AT groups.

Shout me as Dagar tonight 7-9 or @Dave



You are welcome to join The Purple Phantoms as well. We are very new, very active and very cooperative. Send Siphon Spectra a tell or in-game mail if you are interested. The levels are mostly similar to your own.



thanks guys! I will review all PMs and your posts, lots to choose from now just got to make up my mind lol