Group Fly and Henchmen...
Eventually, you'll outpace them, they'll drop, and you'll shout at the screen a few times.
2 tips:
1) Fly high enough, and they'll resummon next to you if they drop too far away.
2) Set yourself to follow one of your henchmen, then command your henchman to move to a certain point. It might look jerky, but I've heard of people doing this to get past the problems of having your henchies play catch-up.
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
I took group fly an although its fun (especially since im a robotics mastermind) to see all those robots following me with jumpjets the fact that they cant keep up is very annoying so i respeced it out.
Out of curiosity team tp is that any better? I head that the minions dont get the few seconds of hover that players get which again makes it annoying for masterminds
Sigh... so much for my dream of flying across the skyline with my undead servants in formation behind me...
I wish there were some kind of slash command to regulate how close your Henchmen stick to you.
I think ninjas might be fast enough to keep up with you. Not sure though.
And for team teleport : it does work, even if the henchies appear to fall, they'll still get ported
Well, so long as you take two hops - because as soon as you're 170 yards from them they auto-teleport (and TP work in 100 yard hops). You're better off just taking Teleport and not use Teleport from a solo Mastermind perspective.
Does this combination actually work? I like the idea of flying around with my henchies in tow, but I've noticed that when I'm walking around, they often lag well behind - if they follow you too distantly to stay inside the bubble, Group Fly would be useless...
So, will henchmen follow you closely enough to stick inside Group Fly range? And is there any way to regulate how closely they follow you?