A little disappointed




Although I'm enjoying being a PB I have to confess I'm a little irked about the powers not tranferring between the forms and am a little baffled by it.

Fair enough, I can understand the attacks being form specific, afterall both Nova and Dwarf offer unique attacks, but things like essence boost or build up? Or even health and stamina! Why shouldn't these powers not cross the form gap? Why shouldn't a Nova be allowed to run tactics in a pvp environment?

Would it really prove unbalancing? Thoughs, comments?

(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)



Hmm yeah.

This is why my PB prefers click buffs like Hasten, Conserve Power, Essence Boost and Build Up, to toggles and passives like leadership and fitness and the shields. Buffs do transfer to forms, you just can't cast them in other than human form. It's a little irritating but then the forms have inherent buffs of their own. And maybe humans don't find a squid much of an inspiring leader