Which is better?




Which is a better Epic type, Peacebrigers or Warshades (to your standards)?



There is no "better" one per say there different and respond to different players. Personally i prefer the Peacebringer but thats because i took a tanker to 50 and a Peacebringer has blaster/scrapper elements wheras the Warshade has more troller/defender orientated powers.



There is no "better" one per say there different and respond to different players. Personally i prefer the Peacebringer but thats because i took a tanker to 50 and a Peacebringer has blaster/scrapper elements wheras the Warshade has more troller/defender orientated powers.

[/ QUOTE ]Seconded.



I came from a scrapper background, PB's suited me, they also got me prepared for my blaster

Peacebringers FTW



There is no "better" one per say there different and respond to different players. Personally i prefer the Peacebringer but thats because i took a tanker to 50 and a Peacebringer has blaster/scrapper elements wheras the Warshade has more troller/defender orientated powers.

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Sorry to say but if you consider a single target immob(that's the ONLY difference in controls powers between WS and PB)then we have a different concept of controlling
It depends on your playstyle, a PB is mainly single target oriented while a WS can cause mass carnage; a PB is easy to start and play due to his self heals and self sustained buffs while a WS needs lots of mobs to be very effective.
A well played WS can outdamage any PB at any time



Depends on your playstyle. Warshades are powerful in the right situation. On average they are ok. PB's are consistent powerful, as someone said above in the right situation a WS could take a PB. But I tend to find the right situation isn't easy, why I prefer a PB. In fact the PB is my favourite AT overall, I love them.
Not as blastery as a blaster, not as scrappy as a scrapper, not as tanky as a tank, but they have a almost as much as each which makes them damn powerful.



The right situation is with mobs with say 5-6 foes in each, when a WS can gain constistent buffs from his powers.
A PB is more soloable and in teams more boss killer since he does better with single target high damage attack(Radiant and Incandescent Strike)and the buff to have them deal the most damage possible(BU).
A WS on the other hand with a Sunless Mire and then Nova form can easily wipe a mob clean leaving only the bosses standing, if you can add Dwarf Mire to that it's likely that the boss will be left alone after only 2 AoE attacks from the Nova




A PB is more soloable

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Solo'd from level 1-40. So yes i'd agree. Was a breeze.



(look at the sig.)

Anyway, they are both, IMO, epicly strong, but there is a really big difference:
PBs: are easier. much easier. the damage is really great and would outdamage scrappers at times.
WSs: are harder but stronger - if you can have enough mobs. the more enemies there are around you, and the better understanding you have about each and every one of your powers in your PERSONAL build, the stronger you are. Soloing missions, where there are sometimes 3 enemies per mob, is really boring. however, hunting in the late 30s in brickstown, where crey mobs can be found with 12 enemies together, is GREAT XP (one bar in 30 mins max), really easy and very fun.

Personally, the WS is better since it can get damage cap, accuracy cap and damage resistance cap in 5 clicks, even less, and it is really strong. However, if you started with a hard-core AT (tankers or scrappers), the PB will be best for you, as there aren't really controllish powers in the set.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Again with the controllerish rubbish?
PBs get 1 AoE stun and a single target hold
WSs get 1 AoE stun and, a single target hold and a single target immobilize. Not anything else that can make them 'Controllerish'...
Under that point of view an elec/elec blaster is more of a controller than a WS.

WSs aren't controllerish. At all.
They are as controllerish as a Fire blaster.



And a cone stun.

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Being picky here, ok truth be told the WS stun is Cone and the PB one is PBAoE, I lied you.



I aint keen on either type, prefering instead to play the normal, more powerful (flame bait) arch types. Its all personal oppionion though.




I have a level 50 fire blaster. it can't control [censored] without the epic power pool.

Anyway, back to the topic, i see the WS controlish, not by the 'controlish' actions you can do to others, but the 'controlish' actions you can do on yourself - Sunless Mire, Black Dwarf Mire, Eclipse, Stygian Circle... that things 'control' other enemies (-end recovery for Eclipse, -dmg, I believe, for the mires), slow effects for all of the powers. In addition, lets not talk about the really good pet you can, that only the controllers (and dark defenders, I haven't forgotten you) can get, outside the limits of temp pets.

Lets make this even more clear: Warshades can NEVER control an entire mob - best that you can do is cone-disorient them for a short while. However, the enemies will fall down to their knees begging for mercy and you [your debuffs (SLOWS) and self-buffs] and your pet (who can, also, SLOW), can do, while slowly killing him.

BTW, try going to brickstown as you hit 33, get two pets out, and start blasting a boss. You will see how slow he gets.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



What you are describing is being as controllerish as a fire blaster: killing mobs before they can put an hurt on you.

@Kruch: I agree, other ATs can do a single thing only but 10 times better than any kheld(blasters and scrappers can do more damage, tankers can tank better)but I started to like my WS because of the flexibility it has, the khelds are jack of all trades master at nothing, it's a known fact and many posts have been made on the subject