Calling all badge whores
Heroes can now get redeemed and the logbow spec ops gladiator badge.
Quickest way to do this is to get a dominator with confuse to zap a team of us in a pvp zone to take out the longbow.
Problem is its 500-1000 of the buggers.
Whose up for it on say sunday afternoon/evening or early next week and who has a dominator with confuse?
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... I've got Arctic Air :P on my dom 3 slotted with confuse, not sure if it will do the job though.
Anyone with the Valentine's confuse temp power could help out as well, I guess...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

..Hand raised... Planty Dom with nicely slotted seeds of confusion.
Gimmie a shout in game or stick it on our forum Vent and i'll try and be available.
Sure, I'm up for it.
"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."
I'm up for it depending on when its gonna be.
If Im still around then I could help with this.
i wouldnt call myself a badge [censored] but i wouldnt mind the badge and am willing to help.
I'm definitely up for this, too.
im deffo in, sunday u say vent?
Ok, hang on, I'm confused, whihc is the first badge, cos I canne find it on the sites?
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Never mind, found it, it's reformed, not redeemed
And damn, that's gonna take some work!
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Might not be worth the work... before you've filled the bar, the devs will have decided that it's 'not supposed to be awarded to heroes', and will patch out your ability to receive it...
I want the badge too, but I think I'm just gonna wait 'till I can 'cross over'...
I aint gonna go for this,too much effort involved gonna wait untill there is an easyer way to get it
Well, I'm trying to get confimation of whether heroes will get to keep these badges, but if they do, then you, I'll be there
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Gratz to Venture and Co last night on getting the badge.
God you badge collectors have the patience of saints. 5 hours being confuzzled and killing Longbow for a badge is more dedication to the game than i can ever hope to match.
For those who had doubts about this working , it does but you'll need a thick skinned Dominator along for the ride and a lot of patience.
Yeah kudos for hib for helping. And yeah we may need the patience of saints but at least we're getting something out of it, you must have the patience of god.
Thanks once again mate.
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
Hmm... maybe I could get him to help me with those pesky Held-duration badges...
I see a new business opportunity opening up here
As well as Confuzzeling people i do an excellent range of holds and immobolisations
Too bad trading between heroes and villains is impossible... I'm pretty sure you could charge an hourly rate of Inf to hold/confuse us badge-whores.
Indeed, I said it last night and I'll say it again, HUGE thanks for the help there last night, especially all the grief you in particular were getting in Sirens early on in the night.
Any time you need a hand with anything, just gimme a shout if I can help
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Heroes can now get redeemed and the logbow spec ops gladiator badge.
Quickest way to do this is to get a dominator with confuse to zap a team of us in a pvp zone to take out the longbow.
Problem is its 500-1000 of the buggers.
Whose up for it on say sunday afternoon/evening or early next week and who has a dominator with confuse?
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender