Woo Hoo!
Darkie, you evil so and so!!! We're going to be away over the weekend, the one weekend you're back... please come back to us soon properly... Prize has come back, Fury is coming back... Before long, we'll have the whole old gang back together again! ;-)
Sorry darlings =(
I'd love to come back properly, and indeed, if I was, it would be the perfect chance to reintroduce the brothers who's name I can't even remember =( Damnit! I've been away far to long =( I'd love to come back, I've even been rereading old rplogs, but I can't!
Of course, Invy, Wart, Los Alamos and even Catch (and any others who suggest to me, but be warned, it will take an eon) may be reapearing in a webcomic at some point, but you didn't hear it from me
Mario and Luigi, the Festini brothers. I remember them all too well.
Well, a free reactivation weekend, that by some amazing coincidence coincides with me heading home for the weekend, where my CoH disk is =D To all who remember me, hello! I'll prolly be back arounf GG's skirt, though I'll use an uninvolved character, because I don't want to mess up whatever pots are on for a weekend, and I'll be playing as much as poss while I'm home.
Hope all those who remember me are doing well, [i]seriously[i] miss playing this game, seeya about for this weekend
~Darkie, Aka: Inverse, Dstar, Cation, Los Alamos, Soap Stud, Gean T'kar, Kelvin Zero, Etc Etc =3