Pocket D missions
I'll be there Ils with kronosy46. lvl 50 blaster.
Cool cool. For those that haven't been following the myriad threads about the missions, there should be a minimum of 2 badges involved, Beautiful/Handsome and Toothbreaker.
There will also be a gladiator badge attached to the Toothbreaker badge, altho this was bugged when first introduced (it may or may not be fixed in the patch going on at 2pm, but regardless it has been said it will be fixed)
According to this post over on the US forum, certain lvl ranges of villains can provide heroes with the Weed whacker and Cold hearted badges too (by spawning CoV only CoT mobs). We'll see what occurs with the runs we do and perhaps try to arrange something after we've got the main 2 badges. According to the post on the US forums, missions from a lvl 10-20 and 30-34 villain seem to be the answer for this. We'll see what we manage.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
I'll show up with Freezer or Quasar, both 50.
I'd like to arrange an 8 man team (4 heroes and 4 villains. give or take) to do all the hero and villain missions in Pocket D starting at 7pm this evening. Sign up here with your character's name, lvl and AT.
As a preference, all lvl 50(ish) heroes would work nicely alongside 4 same-level villains (so that heroes can be exemped for villain missions and villains can be sidekicked for hero missions)
I'll be attending with my lvl 50 scrapper, Ilservian.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation