a warshade build, anything wrong?




ive made a build for my khel when beet hits 50 in 2071, its a warshade but i wanna know if it is a bunch o cripe or if it will work.

Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

Archetype: Warshade
Primary Powers - Ranged : Umbral Blast
Secondary Powers - Support : Umbral Aura

01 : Absorption damres(01)
01 : Ebon Eye dam(01) dam(3) dam(3)
02 : Gravity Shield damres(02) damres(5) damres(5) endred(48)
04 : Gravimetric Snare dam(04) immdur(7) immdur(50)
06 : Shadow Blast dam(06) dam(7) dam(46)
08 : Orbiting Death dam(08) endred(9) endred(9)
10 : Penumbral Shield damres(10) damres(11) damres(11) endred(46)
12 : Sunless Mire dam(12) dam(13) recred(13)
14 : Shadow Cloak endred(14) endred(15) endred(15)
16 : Twilight Shield damres(16) damres(17) damres(17)
18 : Essence Drain hel(18) hel(19) dam(19)
20 : Black Dwarf damres(20) damres(45) endrec(46)
22 : Stygian Circle hel(22) endred(23) recred(23)
24 : Gravity Well dam(24) dam(25) hlddur(25)
26 : Unchain Essence dam(26)
28 : Hurdle jmp(28) jmp(29) jmp(29)
30 : Nebulous Form endred(30) endred(31) jmp(31)
32 : Quasar dam(32) dam(33) dam(33) acc(33) acc(34) acc(34)
35 : Stygian Return hel(35) hel(36) recred(36)
38 : Eclipse damres(38) damres(39) damres(39) recred(39) recred(40) recred(40)
41 : Dark Extraction recred(41) recred(42) recred(42) acc(42)
44 : Swift runspd(44) runspd(45) runspd(45)
47 : Health hel(47) hel(48) hel(48)
49 : Stamina endrec(49) endrec(50) endrec(50)


01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
02 : Rest enhancement(02)
01 : Shadow Step enhancement(01) enhancement(21) enhancement(21)
10 : Shadow Recall enhancement(10)
20 : Black Dwarf Strike enhancement(20) enhancement(37) enhancement(40) enhancement(43)
20 : Black Dwarf Smite enhancement(20) enhancement(27) enhancement(27) enhancement(31)
20 : Black Dwarf Mire enhancement(20) enhancement(37) enhancement(37) enhancement(43)
20 : Black Dwarf Drain enhancement(20) enhancement(34) enhancement(36) enhancement(43)
20 : Black Dwarf Step enhancement(20)
20 : Black Dwarf Antagonize enhancement(20)

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



I would slot both mires with 3 recharge reduction first, you will want them up and running asap, only then damage.

Switch the power choises: Gravity Well at 18 will do you good against voids, since it is a hold power. level 20 brings the dwarf, who got a heal, and 22 brings stygian circle. take the drain at 24.

Talking about dwarf, slot it with 3 damage resistances, and later in the game slot it with 3 endurance modification. the resistance is more importent.

Change the recharge enhacement in Stygian Circle to endurance modification. recharge time is 30 seconds, which is more then enough.

Unchain Essence is like a mini nuke. 6 slot it with 3dmg, 1acc, 2recharge.

Seriously now, Dark Extraction is SO much better then Quasar. i slotted it 1acc, 3dmg, 2recharges. can ahve two for about a minute, and take it at 32, quasar at 35, and Stygian Return at 41.

I only 4 slotted Eclipse. 3 recharge reduction is enough, only slot with resistance if you got spare enhancements, like from the fitness pool.

Nebolous Form only needs one endurance reduction to have it on for a minute with little endurance cost. Same for Shadow Cloak and Orbiting Death.

Slot Shadow Blast with 1acc.

Instead of Hurdle, take Hasten. it will worth it.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



triple post, due to lag.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



triple post, due to lag.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Pretty much agree with what Double said

just one more suggestion: Since you don't slot human tp until after you get dwarf, I'd slot dwarf tp instead (if at all, I'd slot up dwarf with resists/end mod before tp)

Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM



I really really really recommend nova at lvl 6...3 dmg in the aoes...when combined with eclipse later on u can tp into a mob, fire off eclipse>mire>dwarf mire>dark nova.

AoE them to next week while u have more res than a tank.

or u cud use quasar...which will leave u drain of end..but HUZZAH...lottsa corpses for stygian circle..max hp/end again

Ahh i still remember the shadow shard tf i did with double..was gr8 fun sharing tactics and advice.



I really really really recommend nova at lvl 6...3 dmg in the aoes...when combined with eclipse later on u can tp into a mob, fire off eclipse>mire>dwarf mire>dark nova.

[/ QUOTE ]

In other words, pull a Lisa ;-)
Ahh i still remember the shadow shard tf i did with double..was gr8 fun sharing tactics and advice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell, that was SO fun, best time ever. We just ripped those Wisps apart


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



arighty, heres the new version;

Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

Archetype: Warshade
Primary Powers - Ranged : Umbral Blast
Secondary Powers - Support : Umbral Aura

01 : Absorption damres(01)
01 : Ebon Eye dam(01) dam(3) dam(17)
02 : Gravity Shield damres(02) damres(3) damres(5) endred(5)
04 : Gravimetric Snare dam(04) immdur(7) immdur(7)
06 : Shadow Blast dam(06) dam(9) dam(9)
08 : Orbiting Death dam(08) endred(13) endred(13)
10 : Penumbral Shield damres(10) damres(15) damres(15) endred(17)
12 : Sunless Mire recred(12) recred(19) recred(19)
14 : Shadow Cloak endred(14) endred(21) endred(21)
16 : Twilight Shield damres(16) damres(23) damres(23)
18 : Gravity Well acc(18) acc(25) hlddur(25)
20 : Black Dwarf damres(20) damres(27) damres(27)
22 : Stygian Circle hel(22) endred(29) endred(29)
24 : Essence Drain hel(24) hel(31) acc(31)
26 : Unchain Essence dam(26) dam(31) dam(33) acc(33) recred(33) recred(34)
28 : Hasten recred(28) recred(34) recred(34)
30 : Nebulous Form endred(30) jmp(36) recred(36)
32 : Dark Extraction acc(32) acc(36) dam(37) recred(37) recred(37) recred(39)
35 : Quasar dam(35) dam(39) dam(39) acc(40) acc(40)
38 : Eclipse damres(38) recred(40) recred(42) recred(42)
41 : Stygian Return recred(41) recred(42)
44 : Swift runspd(44)
47 : Health hel(47) hel(48)
49 : Stamina endrec(49) endrec(50)


01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
02 : Rest enhancement(02)
01 : Shadow Step enhancement(01) enhancement(11) enhancement(11)
10 : Shadow Recall enhancement(10)
20 : Black Dwarf Strike enhancement(20) enhancement(43) enhancement(43)
20 : Black Dwarf Smite enhancement(20) enhancement(43) enhancement(45) enhancement(45) enhancement(45) enhancement(46)
20 : Black Dwarf Mire enhancement(20) enhancement(46) enhancement(46) enhancement(48)
20 : Black Dwarf Drain enhancement(20) enhancement(48) enhancement(50) enhancement(50)
20 : Black Dwarf Step enhancement(20)
20 : Black Dwarf Antagonize enhancement(20)

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



As i said before, Shadow Cloak only need one end reduction. one can go to the Twilight Shield.

Other than that, I really, really advice to 3 slot Dark Extraction with damage, atleast 2.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



on the nuke topic, my fav chain is (after some practice with diff chains): dwarf tp in, mire, after taking the alpha, detoggle dwarf, eclipse (the mire ensures you dont need accs in eclipse), sunless mire, quasar, pop a blue insp, stygian circle, unchain essence for the survivors.

Seeing you got a human/dwarf build, hasten would be a good choice. Especially if you fight enemies with slows in their attacks, you'll be pinned down in dwarf form.

Like double said, get gravity well fast, it's a hold and a pretty good one. Seeing you dont have the power to take a quantum blast to the chin, you can use it to lock them down and pummel them. Once you get dwarf, you can take 1 or 2 shots from the quantum but nr 3 or 4 will kill you.

I dont have mire slotted for damage, it just isnt worth it. Its a buff, not an attack, slot it for recharges ASAP. After that some accs are nice for when you really need to hit em with mire (especially when you fight enemies with acc debuffs).

Nother note on the gravity well issue, a tactic i've found useful vs voids/quantums and later on malta sappers, is to pick starless step. Find the bugger, use starless step to tp him next to you and use gravity well to hold him without having to worry bout the rest of the mob's aggro or getting close enough to use gravity well.

Nebulous form doesnt need a jump enhance imo. You jump pretty high with it already, and it isnt useful as a travel power as it only lasts 60 secs. It's just phase-shift with the nice bonus of temp (limited) sj.

finally, bout the choice of powers on the later lvls, my picks were 32) quasar, 35) stygian return 38) eclipse 41) quasar. Suggest you pick the powers based on your situation at that time. I always had trouble finding someone to rez you when i got 35 and I soloed alot in that time. So to me, a self-rez was handier than quasar at the moment. You'll be crazy to skip eclipse at 38, as it is (as you will find out) "t3h ub3r pwr!!".

Chain I often use if i dont feel like nuking, is the same attack chain as I said when I was nuking, but replace the nuke with swap to nova form . Combine it with 2 pets, and you AoE the enemies into oblivion with the resistance of a tank (but without mez resist ). These days I often team with 1 or 2 other shades, if we all got our pets out, we dont even need a tank cause we kill em so fast they dont get a chance to fight back .

But as I say for most kheld builds, find out yourself based on your playstyle. Just because one build works for 1 player, doesnt mean it isnt rubbish for another player. Always remember: respecs are your friend

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright