"...And now, we go over to our live news reporter Karin Smith, who has the latest on the subject King's Row Hospital. Over to you, Karin."
"Thank you Adam. This has just been announced. Police are investigating a series of reports regarding equipment and medical supplies that have gone missing over the last week."
"The tight security of this hospital noted the incident of a supply of medicines and ingredients had gone missing in the last twenty-four hours. In that time, other reports have come in from hospitals in Brickstown, Galaxy City and Independance Port. Unfortunately, the police is not open to questions on the subject yet. The commissioner is firmly holding on to the all-saying 'No comment'. We will keep you informed."
"This was Karin Smith, reporting live from the King's Row Hospital. Now, back to the studio..."
"...And now, we go over to our live news reporter Karin Smith, who has the latest on the subject King's Row Hospital. Over to you, Karin."
"Thank you Adam. This has just been announced. Police are investigating a series of reports regarding equipment and medical supplies that have gone missing over the last week."
"The tight security of this hospital noted the incident of a supply of medicines and ingredients had gone missing in the last twenty-four hours. In that time, other reports have come in from hospitals in Brickstown, Galaxy City and Independance Port. Unfortunately, the police is not open to questions on the subject yet. The commissioner is firmly holding on to the all-saying 'No comment'. We will keep you informed."
"This was Karin Smith, reporting live from the King's Row Hospital. Now, back to the studio..."