Peacebringer Accuracy in PvP




Here is my quandary. I am planning to long term build for PvP. The standard practice in PvP is to double-slot attack powers for Accuracy, a practice I wholeheartedly agree with. I do not like to miss. However, the Peacebringer is somewhat of an unknown, due to the fact they gain:

- The possibility of to-hit buffs in Nova Form.
- Defence Reduction on successive hits.

Should I double slot Accuracy on all Nova powers, or is it overkill? Could I double slot accuracy on the first strike powers and 1 slot the rest? Is only one to hit buff on Nova form and 1 Accuracy on Nova attacks sufficient for PvP, (given you must likely slot for flight speed, for pursuit of cowardly villains)? Is the -defence from attacks over time beneficial enough for PvP?

Any info from elder PB's welcome.



I've never seen any figures for the -defence of the attacks to be able to comment on how much they would help (am curious tho). According to an old US forum guide on PBs, the to-hit buff of nova is 12.5%. So 15% one slotted. Even 3 slotting won't take it to the level of replacing one acc SO (if his figures are correct).

I would imagine you would need to stack a few shots on the target before the debuff reached the same sort of level to drop the acc SO. I would say go for overkill. I only have one acc SO and do miss some targets a lot in PvP when in Nova.