Tank question(s)
With the introduction of ED, Stamina is not as important as it was before. However, it still is useful in my opinion and thus is still in my build.
Fighting pool is a miss as the benefits are negliable. With regards to any of the inv powers not worth taking. I would say the only one that is not essential is perhaps tough hide. Unstoppable is more of a situational power (but I have always loved it) but would recommend taking it for when the [censored] hits the fan.
Hope this brief post helps.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Hello all,
I've decided to try and make me a good tanker. Invuln/Ice tanker. So far he is a powerful level 3
Anyways, I have a few questions.
- How important is stamina? Invuln toggles will be slotted for end reduction.
- Fighting pool: yes - no, if yes do I get the final power of the set as well?
- Any invuln powers not worth taking?
Looking forward to levelling him up, will be quite a change from a defender & blaster. From range and squishy to up-close and sturdy (or whatever the opposite of squishy is)
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To be honest I would advise agaisnt slotting your invul toggles for end reduction, theyre fairly light on endurance as it is, and I can only help but feel the slot you would use for your end reduction could be better spent elsewhere. Of your 3 main toggles I think temp invul is most endurance intensive, and invincibility is least (Last time I checked, temp invul used 0.32 end/s, Unyielding 0.24 and Invincibility was 0.19). I would take stamina and leave end reductions out. Of course, if you do take end reductions, I'd still take stamina, as it'll be a noticeable boost to how long you can maintain your attacking and you toggles for.
I have never been a fan of the fighting pool, I think invul is tough enough already, and the 2 or 3 powers you take from fighting you could instead take attacks to finish your fights up faster. Especially now with ED, Fighting pool is fairly poor.
Powers not worth taking? Hmmm, I tend to go for all 9, but Resist Physical damage and Tough Hide have always been the most useless of the 9. However, if I had to drop one, Tough hide.
(or whatever the opposite of squishy is)
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I think it's "un-squishy"
Thx for replies,
According to hero planner:
Temp Invuln = 0.38/s
Unyielding = 0.4/s
Invinsibility = 0.28/s
With 1 end SO that comes to: 0.27 - 0.28 - 0.2
So I guess I can drop some end red in the toggles.
Another question: how many attacks would you take, current plan is 2 until level 34 and then a 3rd on 35. Brawl not included.
It all depends if you plan to attack someone on occasion and what your secondary is. I use war mace which sucks various bodyparts so I may be biased in this case. I cant imagine not having end reducers on my toggles. One in each is a base for me. I personally have one end reducer in each toggle and one in each of my attacks and i have 4-slotted stamina.
I also dont think highly of fighting pool, other pools give more variety and versatility in my opinion. I once tested 6-slotted invoke panic as a crowd control tool, it worked ok, btw. Now i can't squeeze it in.
Hello all,
I've decided to try and make me a good tanker. Invuln/Ice tanker. So far he is a powerful level 3
Anyways, I have a few questions.
- How important is stamina? Invuln toggles will be slotted for end reduction.
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I think stamina is pretty damn important. However you might be able to get away without it if you can afford to slot both your attacks and possibly the expensive toggles ( unyielding and temp invulnerability ) with end reducers. The other thing to realise is that you aren't just getting the fitness pool for stamina. You are also getting it for Health. A three slotted health really helps your survivability on those occasion when you don't have a healer of some kind looking after you. Especially as you can have really good hitpoints from Dull Pain.
- Fighting pool: yes - no, if yes do I get the final power of the set as well?
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I took the fighting set as a replacement for the Passive powers ( Resist Physical Damage, Resist Elements and Resist Energies ). I imagine this might be painful in a number of ways if you were starting from scratch as the fighting pool has a fairly hefty endurance cost, the toggles are the same as Unyielding and Temp invulnerability. I run 2 end reds in each toggle and one in a few of my attacks.
This choice is whether I want 7% extra defence and 11% extra S/L resistance ( to reach resistance of 75% SL 16% others ) or 11% extra resistance against other ( 64% SL 27% others ) with the passives. The fighting pool choice costs more slots though.
The 27% resistance that you can get really seems very little improvement over
The advantage of that extra defence is that I have 20% defence against a single opponent and it stacks to floor opponents accuracy quicker, an important part of being an Inv tanker.
I would suggest that if you are thinking of the fighting pool do it as a respec.
- Any invuln powers not worth taking?
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IMO the essential powers of the set are:-
Temp Invulnerability ( base resistance.. )
Invincibility ( good scalable defence )
Unyielding ( mez protection, meagre resistance and defence penalty )
Dull Pain ( 60% extra HP for most of the time and a strong heal are not to be sniffed at ).
The Good powers are:-
Tough Hide ( removes def penalty and more )
Resist Physical Damage ( stacks with temp inv )
The not so good powers are:-
Resist Energies ( meagre resistance to uncommon damage types )
Resist Elements ( meagre resistance to uncommon damage types )
I don't like Unstoppable, but I guess I need to learn to use it. Tough Hide is important as it offsets the defence penalty of Unyielding and when enhanced gives the second best defence per slot of anything you have ( the best is invincibility ) .
The only power I am not planning to take is Resist Physical Damage ( because of Tough ). I'm not sure I recommend doing it that way from scratch.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Uhmmm is it only me that thinks that goin from 67% resist to S/L (Temp Invuln, RPD, Unyielding 3 slotted with +2 SOs) to 90% can make the difference?
Tried this out and stil can tank bloody well(when it's not a portal behind Infernal...)and i think it helps a lot, almost any enemy makes Smash or Lethal dmg, so I advise that you take Tough, with 3 slots it will give you almost 24% more resist to S/L dmg, weave with ED is not worth pickin tho.
That is if you want to be a tanker, the scranker route is another way around..
Uhmmm is it only me that thinks that goin from 67% resist to S/L (Temp Invuln, RPD, Unyielding 3 slotted with +2 SOs) to 90% can make the difference?
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You can only get to 85% I think with tough ( assuming 3 slotted powers ). However that makes a huge difference when fighting S/L enemies.
Tried this out and stil can tank bloody well(when it's not a portal behind Infernal...)and i think it helps a lot, almost any enemy makes Smash or Lethal dmg, so I advise that you take Tough, with 3 slots it will give you almost 24% more resist to S/L dmg, weave with ED is not worth pickin tho.
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I believe Weave is well worth picking as it provides about the same damage mitigation as Resist Elements and Resist Energies combined ( according to DrRocks CoH Damage Comparision program ).
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
At the end of the day being a good tanker doesnt come from a build it comes from a playstyle, and that changes with different enemies. A good tanker imo tries to make it so no one else gets hit. Standing there taking damage very well whilst everyone on your team is getting hit doesnt make a one a good tanker imo. However especially on pick up teams a tanker may not be allowed to tank and most often ends up trying to recover aggro rather than gaining complete control first.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Uhmmm is it only me that thinks that goin from 67% resist to S/L (Temp Invuln, RPD, Unyielding 3 slotted with +2 SOs) to 90% can make the difference?
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You can only get to 85% I think with tough ( assuming 3 slotted powers ). However that makes a huge difference when fighting S/L enemies.
Tried this out and stil can tank bloody well(when it's not a portal behind Infernal...)and i think it helps a lot, almost any enemy makes Smash or Lethal dmg, so I advise that you take Tough, with 3 slots it will give you almost 24% more resist to S/L dmg, weave with ED is not worth pickin tho.
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I believe Weave is well worth picking as it provides about the same damage mitigation as Resist Elements and Resist Energies combined ( according to DrRocks CoH Damage Comparision program ).
[/ QUOTE ]In Sherk Silver's Hero Builder resistances to Smash/Lethal, with 3 slots filled with +2 SOs are as follow:
Temp Invuln: 47,07%
Unyielding: 7,85%
Res Physical Dmg: 11,77%
66,69% Res to S/L
Tough is 23,54%
Not much more than 90% but at least at the cap..
Can you tell me how to make Dr Rock thingy work pls?!
@ Shannon:
Sad but true, often in pug it happens to be the one that has to recover the aggro from the random troller that tried to stun the whole mob while u were fighting another one, the random flying healer that aggroes the catwalk behind him without noticing and such..
But that's what make a tanker really good, dealing with such problems, nonetheless, a tanker really shines when he's the one to take the aggro and manage it from the beginning of the fight.
In Sherk Silver's Hero Builder resistances to Smash/Lethal, with 3 slots filled with +2 SOs are as follow:
Temp Invuln: 47,07%
Unyielding: 7,85%
Res Physical Dmg: 11,77%
66,69% Res to S/L
Tough is 23,54%
Not much more than 90% but at least at the cap..
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The difference is that Sherk's Hero Planner uses 30% as the resistance for temp inv and DrRock uses 27.5%. This means it provides about 5% less S/L with 3 slots.
After a quick look at the US forums most people are using 30%. I don't know which is the right number.
Can you tell me how to make Dr Rock thingy work pls?!
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Download and install it ( from the Player Guide / Sustainable Damage Comparison thread ).
Open the app.
Go to window/Results to open the results window, this provides sustainable Damage values for all of the defensive powersets.
On the Archetype/Powerset select box ( currently set to Blaster ) select tanker - invulnerability.
When you modify the slotting for powers the numbers for Tanker - Invulnerability in the results windows will change. You can activate/deactivate powers by clicking them.
To find out what a power does you can open the Windows/Power.
To find out total defence/Resistance for a certain AT and powerset you can click the + in the Results windows next to Tanker-Invulnerability and then the + next to Powers.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
The difference is that Sherk's Hero Planner uses 30% as the resistance for temp inv and DrRock uses 27.5%. This means it provides about 5% less S/L with 3 slots.
After a quick look at the US forums most people are using 30%. I don't know which is the right number.
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30% would appear to be correct, I must have picked up a bad number from early I5 testing.
The difference is that Sherk's Hero Planner uses 30% as the resistance for temp inv and DrRock uses 27.5%. This means it provides about 5% less S/L with 3 slots.
After a quick look at the US forums most people are using 30%. I don't know which is the right number.
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30% would appear to be correct, I must have picked up a bad number from early I5 testing.
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I'd personally go for 30% too! Any higher just messes stuff up i think..
Oh, im new....yo!
Hi Doom, welcome to the boards.
@ Shannon:Sad but true, often in pug it happens to be the one that has to recover the aggro from the random troller that tried to stun the whole mob while u were fighting another one, the random flying healer that aggroes the catwalk behind him without noticing and such..
But that's what make a tanker really good, dealing with such problems, nonetheless, a tanker really shines when he's the one to take the aggro and manage it from the beginning of the fight.
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yeah also having other tankers in team can cause problems like attracting more than other team members can handle without using insps (which are best saved for a final AV imo) and then when it comes to recovery it can be a nightmare. This is why alot of tanks dont like another tank in a team. I dont mind myself as long as one tanker takes point and stays point, the other can act kind of like my scrapper who has had taunt since lvl12 because of good tanking routines spoilt. why people fail to wait for a herd to be moved to a safer area and into a closer group for cones and aoes is beyond me. other lvl 50's really should know better. I'd rather be the sole tank at the end of the day with a good team that allows me to get to my herdpoints and create faster kills at safe range.
do u know how many times i have been on ur team btw? nice lvl 51 tyrant the other night i got great pics
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
yeah also having other tankers in team can cause problems like attracting more than other team members can handle without using insps (which are best saved for a final AV imo) and then when it comes to recovery it can be a nightmare. This is why alot of tanks dont like another tank in a team. I dont mind myself as long as one tanker takes point and stays point, the other can act kind of like my scrapper who has had taunt since lvl12 because of good tanking routines spoilt. why people fail to wait for a herd to be moved to a safer area and into a closer group for cones and aoes is beyond me. other lvl 50's really should know better. I'd rather be the sole tank at the end of the day with a good team that allows me to get to my herdpoints and create faster kills at safe range.
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I prefer the single tank in a team, unless there is a plan ( ie I tank left, the other tanks right, or someone is main tank the other is sweep ), this has worked wonders in the past. However in most teams there isn't a plan so generally being the sole tank means that the rest of the team follows as teams expect the tank to lead the way in combat. Also your commment on Insps is exactly how I think, keep the 8 lucks and a few heals in my tray for the AV. If I have to use them against normal mobs something is going wrong.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
do u know how many times i have been on ur team btw? nice lvl 51 tyrant the other night i got great pics
[/ QUOTE ]Yep, I know, I was with my troller tho..
i was with the tanker when we faced Mayhem and there were 3 tanks and a scrapper overtaunting each other!LoL!
Thx for all the replies guys. I've decided to take the fighting pool to max out on S/L damage resistance. To do so I dropped Resist Physical Damage and Resist Elements. I kept Resist Energies is as that damage type is not so uncommen.
One more question: wich is better? Boxing or Kick? I currently took boxing as it has a shorter activation time.
Thx for all the replies guys. I've decided to take the fighting pool to max out on S/L damage resistance. To do so I dropped Resist Physical Damage and Resist Elements. I kept Resist Energies is as that damage type is not so uncommen.
One more question: wich is better? Boxing or Kick? I currently took boxing as it has a shorter activation time.
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The consensus is that boxing is better but I have never got kick.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Boxing is better, less end, shorter animation, shorter recharge but not even worth 1 slot as it's only a way to Tough.
Dropping Resist Physical Damage i'm afraid to say you won't reach the S/L cap because it's needed for it, you'll have something around 78.5% res to S/L with 3 slotted Temp Invuln, Tough and Unyielding having +2 SOs in them.
I advise you try and fit in any power in the Invulnerability set, because every one of them adds to your survavibility, wich is what tanks are made for.
Hero Planner numbers must be out of date then, I was sure that I could get up to 92% resist to S/L with those. Oh well, back to drawing board.
So no slotting boxing?
do u know how many times i have been on ur team btw? nice lvl 51 tyrant the other night i got great pics
[/ QUOTE ]Yep, I know, I was with my troller tho..
i was with the tanker when we faced Mayhem and there were 3 tanks and a scrapper overtaunting each other!LoL!
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duh! your trollers called jiaozy thats how i knew! playing tennis with an av aint a bad thing as long as the direction of the av's attacks dont go towards the rest of the team. taunting with your back to the team can be very bad.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
do u know how many times i have been on ur team btw? nice lvl 51 tyrant the other night i got great pics
[/ QUOTE ]Yep, I know, I was with my troller tho..
i was with the tanker when we faced Mayhem and there were 3 tanks and a scrapper overtaunting each other!LoL!
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Like Unthing (and others) said, having two tanks in a team can work (teamed with 4/5 of the other day) well. A plan is not needed, common sense is. If I see a tanker going for a mob I will not intefere (well wont use taunt).
I have found having 2 tanks (or more) very useful especially on AV's - One tank takes the punishment and then switchs when getting to much damage i.e. the other person starts taunting drawing the AV fire. Gives a nice sense of security (for yourself and your team) knowing if something goes wrong there is backup.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Hero Planner numbers must be out of date then, I was sure that I could get up to 92% resist to S/L with those. Oh well, back to drawing board.
So no slotting boxing?
[/ QUOTE ]Yes, those numbers are a bit old, try this Hero Builder, it's very accurate and update every patch, with ED diminishing returns and a lot of nice other features!
Thx, downloading it now
Hello all,

I've decided to try and make me a good tanker. Invuln/Ice tanker. So far he is a powerful level 3
Anyways, I have a few questions.
- How important is stamina? Invuln toggles will be slotted for end reduction.
- Fighting pool: yes - no, if yes do I get the final power of the set as well?
- Any invuln powers not worth taking?
Looking forward to levelling him up, will be quite a change from a defender & blaster. From range and squishy to up-close and sturdy (or whatever the opposite of squishy is)