Is it just me......




....or is Penumbral Shield a right load of old rubbish?

"Highly resistant" to fire, cold and toxic. Try telling that to my poor carpet munching Warshade after facing even level Vaz with an SKed dark def.

I got the most annoyed I've ever been with the game after planting for the third time in the mish. So mad was I that I let it time out.

Anyway, am I expecting too much from it? Or does it not do exactly what it says on the tin?



It provides damage resistance of 20 to Cold, Fire and Toxic.

eg. reduces damage by 20% so sounds useful but not earth shattering.

Vahz only do toxic damage with their ranged vomit. I'm assuming your not letting them get close enough to hit you
with Melee attacks?
This would be smashing or lethal damage instead.



It's not too bad really, slotted with SO's it gives 35% (ish) resistance to Fire, Cold and Toxic...after all, you can't expect to be able to tank.



...after all, you can't expect to be able to tank.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not far off since ED!!