Ninja / Traps is even possible ?
Well, acid mortar is frickin ace. My pets hit everytime, and do more dmg. As long as the shield generator can stack with the protector bot shields, that'll be good too. I haven't tried it, but I also think poison trap sounds good - a crowd control like function.
Personally I think the traps secondary works better with pets who prefer ranged combat like robots and mercs. Dark may be feasible with ninjas but I found that you would run into the middle of them to heal them and they would run off to another target just before the heal hit.
I took a Ninja/Poison to 16 in beta and found it to be really good (despite it getting some bad press on the boards). The single-target heal has a very good range and actually heals a decent amount of damage. You get a couple of single target debuffs that can be handy against bosses and you can also rez your teammates after level 16. Don't have any experience of the later powers in the set but some of them sound quite good.
As Nuclea said. Traps are for ranged henchmen not melee.
which is why robotics/traps is such a good combo!
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
i agree
a good use for the beacon:
set it up, put ur robo pets to agressive, but put'm on halt
then pull a few mobs towards ur pets ...
should be fun to watch
It is, having teamed with */Traps MM's/Corr's and used exactly that tactic!
Plus, never fails to get a laugh when a Corruptor calls gather for Accel Metabolism and my bots go running over before I do
in addition, u can even set a few traps with ur beacon (poison and/or mortar)
I have a merc/traps MM and my battle plan is as follows:
1.Clatrops (1 recharge redux in here and you can constantly have one set out)
2. Triage Beacon
3. Pull a mob
4. Much mayhem (M30 & caltrops is great).
Once I get Aid Other from the medicine pool my and the troops will be well away.
Hi all,
I took nina and traps for setup, and i really start to regret it atm. I don't know how good the traps power do after a while, but healing beacon is definitely not worth it. It's like you must put 4 SO on it to start to see a slight difference in the regen of ur troops.
So i'm wondering if i should just ditch my char and take dark miasma to replace traps, or if i should try to keep on because the rest of the powers make traps a viable choice.