Functional bases

Ad Astra



A solo base can be done only with patience. I have had some fortune come my way in drops that I have made a great deal of inf on and have my toons pretty much the way that I want. So dropping the inf to prestige has been done. A little help from a friend to get alts invited and knowing what to start with.



TL;DR version:
I think any solo SG builder has a right to be proud of their achievement, but I don't think we have a right to be upset when we take on a load intended to be carried by up to 100+ players and it proves to be difficult.

Full version:
I can appreciate the need to vent about something you might find frustrating, but if you're trying to grind prestige by doing things you don't enjoy then you may want to rethink your plans. There's no sense in making yourself unhappy while you turn what's supposed to be a way to have fun and relax into another job. It is 100% possible to have a base with all the amenities one could ask for with, yes, as little as one person earning prestige. Something for solo base builders to keep in mind is that you earn prestige doing the kinds of things you normally do: Playing alts, running missions, participating in raids/TFs etc. You don't have to spend a fortune and you don't have to change your play habits, and I say that from experience.

I started my base in June of last year and now have something very nice to show for it. I took advantage of a very kind offer from Fulmens to get my jump start and ran with it from there. I have two friends who also did the solo SG thing: One is now in the top 50 for Virtue after a few years of steady work, and the other broke in to the top 100 within a month of being formed. I have another friend that has been working longer than I have, and is still small. The difference between us all? The time we put in, in-game. One played it smart and turned 30 minutes a day into a fortune which was converted to prestige, while the other worked his butt off farming and now has a nice base and a stash of inf. waiting for him. Me? I did what I always did, and made sure SG mode was on. My last friend did the same, but doesn't have as much time to play as I do.

An SG is a convenience and a luxury; at best it makes reaching functions available elsewhere easier, at "worst" it's a place to decorate with virtual building blocks.

Well sh**, Superman had the fortress of solitude, Batman had the batcave, Why can't i have a little place of my own
You can, and from the sound of it, you do. You also understand now that it takes time and/or resources to build. You did, almost if not entirely single-handed something that a group of players was intended for. It takes influence and careful planning to make a single character capable of soloing content spawned for 8 players; why should it be any different for a Supergroup?



Another thing for a new Solo Base Builder to keep in mind, is that some Items are unlocked by earning SG Badges. While some of these have had there prerequisites lowered, they will still be difficult to obtain by a Single Player in a SG. Not Impossible, but difficult none the less. An old saying to keep in mind is "Rome wasn't built in a day."

I have recently been working on a Solo Base, for personal Storage reasons. I'm also the Founder and Co-Leader of an Active Base. The Solo Base is slow going, but getting there, seeing as I have to devide my time to still be present in the Active SG. Thankfully, I have had some surplus Inf to transfer into Prestige. The Exchange Rate sucks, but it is what it is. Many have done it, and it is entirely doable. But, as someone else has stated, it requires patience.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Creating a fully functional, solo SG is easy. I could start one today, and have it fully functional in a week or two. The most time consuming part would be getting all the beacons.

And I could do this with only one character in the SG.

But you can always use prestige exchange to get the ball rolling as well.