Has anyone created an MA depicting co-workers?
Don't use real names, and keep it tasteful, and you should be fine.
Above all, make it humorous and light hearted, few will want to play in your personal vent space.
All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.
But memories remain, And that is beautiful.

I did one based on a previous job I had, for a printing company. I have a real-life friend who plays, and who still works at the place I used as a basis for my mission, and he LOVES it and thinks it's hilarious. But no one else would "get" it, unless you are also unfortunate enough to work in commercial printing like we do. But it was fun creating the mission.
I don't think it will come back to bite you unless any of your coworkers play CoH? Guess that's the thing to keep in mind. Have fun and good luck if you decide to attempt it.
I was thinking about creating one with an office setting and creating all of my coworkers, managers, etc. as villains with names and likeness, along with funny things they would say. I don't dislike them, I just think it will be hilarious, but I am afraid that it will come back and bite me in the *** IRL! ha