Can someone explain Max Particle Fill?



I've seen this setting in the registry and in Tweak CoH, but not in the game's options, and I'm not exactly sure what it does.

Does anyone know?



I belive the Fill part might be misleading as from what I know this only has to do with the amount of particles shown on the screen at one point, I usually have it toned down to about 5000 or less considering the types of teams I'm on.



In the game's options there is one setting called Max Particle Count, which goes from 100 to 50,000. This controls the amount of particle effects on the screen. And yeah, with big teams and lots of effects I have to slide this way down myself (note to devs: can we please get a chat-line command for this???).

Max Particle Fill isn't in the game's options, but it's in the registry settings and can be changed with Tweak CoH. It ranges from 100% to 1000% (1.0 to 10.0 in the registry), with the default being 1000%. I have no idea what this setting does.