Most "scrappery" secondary for PvE




Looking for a nice solid seconday that will allow me to stay in the fight after I AS. I have tried /nin twice (lvl 27 DB/ and lvl 10 MA/) the the set didn't really sing to me.

I have two soft-capped /SR scrappers (claws/ and spines/) so I am comfortable with /SR and may go down that route with DB/.

Is /SR my best avenue for mixing it up? Do you guys have other suggestions? I like to team a lot and not really into PvP if that helps.




If you're into defensive sets, you might consider Energy Aura. You can go by without stamina and get decent numbers of defense with just SOs (better than nin, although I'm a /Nin fan). Plus the build is looser than /SR. /SR Stalkers are just way too tight.

WP and regen are decent 'scrappery' secondaries although with them you'll have a hard time getting an AS after a Placate due to the other mobs hitting you.



I actually like my ninjitsu stalker/scrapper. He's softcapped at all positional defenses and with smoke flash, blinding powder, placate, the Mako water spout and hibernate he's pretty untouchable in PVE.

In PVP his defenses are all dropped down to around 35% so he gets beaten like a rented mule.

It's fun for PVE at least.