Supergroup Add Ons




Is there any way to possibly get a supergroup costume slot? One that the supergroup leader designs the colors and the costume, and everyone uses it for free, without the supergroup costume taking up a costume slot?

And any way we could pictures of the characters in the supergroup, like a snapshot from the character selection screen, or maybe even with the supergroup uniform on?

Just curious?

(I used search, and didn't find this)

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)



I like this idea, but the difficulty with it will be that not all costume options are available to all body types. Males don't get all of the options that females and huge models do.

Maybe they could have the costume options limited to a subset of costume pieces and colors that the SG leader chooses that work on all body models that the individual characters can build a 6th costume from.



There isn't really any way to tell what's the character and whats the costume at present.

Take the X-Men.
Skin colour is obviously a per-character trait, but what about back detail?

Storms cape in her default costume is just costume, Angels' wings are part of him and cant be pulled off when hes in SG costume mode.

Nightcrawlers "Belt" is a tail - part of him.

Cyclop's "Detail 1" is part of his costume, but definitely shouldn't be removed because its his visor or glasses.

Forge's artifical leg, (if & when they get round to making one in CoH), is part of him.

Best we can do is to do this informally and allow for corrections - save out default male/female and huge versions of the basic team costume and stick them on the SG website for download and personalisation.
And we can do that with the tools we have right now.



I was thinking more along the lines of at least an extra slot, so if the other ideas weren't possible, at least you wouldn't use up one of your own slots to wear the same uniform as the rest of the SG.

You have a point about certain options not being open, and perhaps it would be too complicated to add in a full costume, I hadn't considered all of the ramifications.

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)