Need bind help




Hey I'm using one of the guides for making binds for my Warshade but it's not working.

I used this bind:
/bind t “goto_tray 2$$powexec_toggle_on dark nova”

but I got an error message saying that the command go to was not recognized. Have the bind commands changed and there's something else that we have to use now or is this a bug?



That's from my guide. This is actually covered in the guide thread if you read all the way through it, but I'll give the answer here as well.

You need to retype the bind. If you copy/paste you get the 'smart quotes' which CoX doesn't recognize. When I eventually publish the next version of the guide I'll correct this, but the edit window has long since passed on the current version so I can't change it there. All I can do is post it in the guide thread, but you're not the first and you won't be the last who doesn't read that far.

In other words, it needs to be this:

/bind t "goto_tray 2$$powexec_toggle_on dark nova"

[/ QUOTE ]

and [u]not[u] this:

/bind t “goto_tray 2$$powexec_toggle_on dark nova”

[/ QUOTE ]

Microsoft Word 'helped' me back when I was editing that version of the guide for posting. I'm more careful about double-checking any changes Word makes on my behalf now.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



ah I see. Yea I was being lazy and didn't feel like reading about what binds are, just didn't feel like remembering how to type one haha. Thx man



yea I just went in and when making the bind I just replaced the quote marks and that worked fine.

Boy this is so much nicer. I shoulda went ahead and made the binds earlier. Being lazy sucks!