started playing my PB again...have a build questio




i cant post my build but i dont think my questions are too elaborate

i just reactivated after being away for a couple years. i have been trying to get up to speed on my lvl35 tri-form PB. i dont remember all that went into the build decisions i made back then but right now he is pretty fun to play. i play mostly human but will switch to nova if im comfy with that. i dont have any slots in the dwarf powers because i was just using that form for a panic button but i do have all the human and nova attacks at least 4 slotted (1acc,3dam)

the nova has more damage overall it seems but when i see a tough foe that needs to go down quick i always go with the burst of BU + IS + RS and it never lets me down (unless i miss)

my problem is that the human ranged attacks are underwhelming. there are times when i cant even see the sliver of HP a foe has and that glint eye BS still doesnt kill them. it seems that after i use the human melee strikes the other powers are just something to do until they recharge. the human attacks im talking about are: GlintEye, ProScatter, LumDeton ( i also have the solar flare& seekers but i like those)

would it be a more efficient use of my slots to take those slots from the ranged human attacks and slot the dwarf attacks for damage, rech, etc.?? im thinking of moving slots around because i still like the Nova form at times but it just seems like ranged attacks in human form are a waste of time...i would drop them altogether obviously but there isnt a lot more to choose from

after my human melee burst is it better to start with ranged or drop into dwarf for more melee carnage ( and better survivability too)?



i play mostly human but will switch to nova if im comfy with that. i dont have any slots in the dwarf powers because i was just using that form for a panic button but i do have all the human and nova attacks at least 4 slotted (1acc,3dam)

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If you are teaming a lot, you should feel a lot more comfortable using Nova and Dwarf these days because they were recently modified (I13) to take advantage of the inherent team buffs we Kheldians get from out teammates, so now, Nova can actually have some mez-protection if you're teaming with Controllers, for example.

the nova has more damage overall it seems but when i see a tough foe that needs to go down quick i always go with the burst of BU + IS + RS and it never lets me down (unless i miss)

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BU/IS/RS is awesome for sure, but it requires that you go to melee range, while Nova actually has better range than your Human blasts, you can use this to your advantage, and this allows you to blast from range as a Nova then switch to Dwarf to tank a bit.

my problem is that the human ranged attacks are underwhelming.

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That they are, unless you're going Human-only in which case you can also grab Assault/Tactics to boost your Human attacks. As a TriFormPB, I'm more invested in Human powers that don't require me to constantly be in Human-form, so powers such as Solar Flare, Photon Seekers, Dawn Strike and Pulsar are the ones I focus on. The reason is simple, I can use my keybinds to drop from Dwarf form and execute a Human-only attack and right away I hit another keybind to re-Dwarf myself... This lets me taunt stuff to me using White Dwarf Antagonize and then I hit the key for Photon Seekers and immediately re-Dwarf myself after those fluffy energy bombs are being created. The chaos is just wonderful!

would it be a more efficient use of my slots to take those slots from the ranged human attacks and slot the dwarf attacks for damage, rech, etc.?? im thinking of moving slots around because i still like the Nova form at times but it just seems like ranged attacks in human form are a waste of time...

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That's basically the idea, other than one little interesting aspect. The Chance for Hold proc IO enhancement that you can slot in any PB ranged single-target attack, Human or Nova! This enables my TriFormPB to sometimes hold minions and lieutenants with a simple one-two ranged blast. It's even more awesome when right after using IStrike on a Boss that has hold-protection, I can use my two single-target Human form blasts to stack extra hold points and finally hold the Boss! Think outside the box...

my human melee burst is it better to start with ranged or drop into dwarf for more melee carnage (and better survivability too)?

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That depends on the situation and what you're fighting, whether you're solo or teamed and which strategy is more fun for you. Personally, I usually love to start a fight in Nova, add some really got damage and mez effects with Human form powers and finish stuff in Dwarf, unless everything is mezzed in which case I'll go back to Nova and blast'em.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati