Adverbs is Two
Is Slaxy Lee an adverb?
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
How about *nom*ily?

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
A lot of "Lee"s:
blindly; zestfully; zealously; zestily; yearly; youthfully; yearningly; yieldingly; dearly; carefully; bravely; boringly; badly; brightly; blindly; boastfully; basically; blissfully; boldly; brilliantly; bodily; biologically; broadly; barely; brotherly; dangerously; willingly; idly; avidly; wildly; vibrantly; doubtfully; damply; warily; knowingly; faithfully; warmly; calmly; lovingly; weakly; passionately; patiently; watchfully; gladly; visibly; wonderfully; sweetly; paternally; vertically; violently; abruptly; wickedly; lightly; delicately; wittingly; endlessly; eternally; vibrantly; firmly; fruitfully; wearily; smartly; fervently; vainly; financially; willfully; widely; importantly; cheerfully; weirdly; delicately; wrongfully; wholeheartedly; delightfully; absently; abundantly; fearlessly; wimpily; cowardly; foolishly; wisely; humbly; happily; hysterically; helplessly; heroically; finally; charmingly; helpfully; grandly; gravely; gratefully; independently; jokingly; gently; genuinely; joyfully; immaculately; kindly; queerly; keenly; queasily; whimsically; wishfully; kindheartedly; vulnerably; yawningly; boyishly; wickedly; wretchedly; casually; evilly; lustfully; noisily; nosily; officially; obviously; occasionally; oddly; painfully; vilely; peacefully; slowly; quickly; quietly; vaguely; anxiously; historically; royally; rudely; tearfully; thinly; terribly;
Amicably; adorably; Briefly; beautifully; Coldly; closely; Differently; dangerously; Evenly; explicitly; Fondly; freely; Gradually; grimly; Heavily; humanly; Interestingly; irritably; Jealously; jointly; Knowingly; keenly; Loosely; laxly; Musically; merrily; Neatly; nicely; Overtly; openly; Perfectly; pertly; Quizzically; quaintly; Ridiculously; richly; Severely; shyly; Truly; tautly; Uneasily; uniformly; Vividly; vacantly; Warily; wearily; Youthfully; yearningly; Zealously; zestily
Have fun!
Gratz on your 2nd anniversary!!
nice-ly done.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
A lot of "Lee"s:
[/ QUOTE ]
Way to encourage my altitis...
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Glad I could help another Alt-o-holic
You've missed a few. None of the Als (Al Waize, Al Most...). Too. Very. Never. Here. There. The whole Bli clan (Forci, Aimea, Crum, etc) is missing. Then there are the "married intos" such as Uncommon Lee-Goode. And the 'Verse aren't nearly so strict with the names, our Founder's name is Remaining (which is what - a past participle?).
Adverbs are everywhere!
Just call me "The Pool Guy" - cause I believe that power pools are the ultimate in powerset proliferation. Fewer powers to develop and available to all.
"ADVERBS - we define action!"
"ADVERSE - we are action!"
I didn't say it was all the "Lee"s, I just said it was a lot of them. If you've looked up more adverbs, I'm happy for you (especially because, for some strange reason, I don't want a character whose name ends in "Lee"). Please share and let everyone enjoy them.
You don't mind if I use one, do you?
I must admit, i smiled very big while reading the first post, very very cute, and very very clever. 3 thumps up.
Adverbs second anniversary is today. If you see a 'Verb - twist and shout!
Some of our more memorable battle cries and comments-
"Never fear, an Averb is hear!" - Courageous Lee
"I'm just a toon looking for some action baby." - Dangerous Lee
"Adverbs Rule!" - Kid Lioness, Kid Rhino, Kid Penguin
"Never invite Late Lee, Absent Lee, or Annoying Lee to your team. Bare Lee, Hot Lee, or Wanton Lee are all great to team-up with" - Elder Lee
"Too is Here! (no wait - secret base is Here, Too not in secret base) Too is There! (ak, that not right either) Too... will help?!?" - The Mighty Too
"That was awesome Lee" "Thanks, but I'm Extreme. Awesome is on another call." - Extreme Lee
"We're all over the action" - Original Lee
"Never fear, an Adverb is here - unless it's Too. In that case your situation hasn't really gotten any better." - Courageous Lee
Adverbs is a super group with a theme - your name must be or sound like an adverb - and your powers, costume, and style either embelish or poke fun at your name.
Yes we're a small group - but we are all about enjoying the game in a light-hearted way. We love doing TFs, trials, and raids - but not that invincible stuff where players get way too intense. We enjoy doing PVP in that same causual manner (as President Grant once said "some days you whup and some days you get whupped"). We are not about farming or power leveling (as Rush once put it "the point of the journey is not to arrive") but we're not against them either. If that's what you're looking for in a super group, then give us a yell.
Just call me "The Pool Guy" - cause I believe that power pools are the ultimate in powerset proliferation. Fewer powers to develop and available to all.
"ADVERBS - we define action!"
"ADVERSE - we are action!"