The New SF v TF




Lolzz@ Slax... Guardian people dont know what time to merits is.They are happy with a 3 hour plus sf and 32 deaths as long as there are cookies.

You silly man. WTH are you thinking? Is your air conditioner broken again?I am worried you have a heatstroke now

edited cause I misspelled "silly" of all things.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not all of guardian is cookie focused. Some of us here do, in fact, frequently run 30 ± 10min stf, lrsf, lgtf, itf, and khan tfs. Although I have no idea why any tf farmer would bother with a khan tf considering many tfs offer better merit/time rewards.

Bragging about being good at the pve in this game is like bragging about being good at blinking. Don't get me wrong, this game is fun, but it certainly isn't difficult. Some of us enjoy running through TFs at mach speed and peak efficiency, others prefer a more leisurely pace involving cookies, whatever floats yer boat.




I wasn't intending to brag merely pointing out the time differences that I've seen. We have yet to do a speed run, but dUmb as a whole tends to bring a balanced team with short attention spans and we are generally on TS/vent/skype, etc. so we don't spend time typing. If someone wants to run 3 hour RTFs, that's fine, not the team I'd roll on, but to each his/her own. I often prefer "casual" to "speed run" but your definition of casual may not be mine (e.g. a casual ITF is 45-50 mins for me).

TL;DR version- To each his/her own as far as play style, apologies for any accidental drama.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Ive done speeds before, just cause I didn't have much time to play, I am not against it, as long as one has fun who cares

Nova is the master of speeds! <3