Question about slash commands/binds




I am just curious why everyone uses the slash commands of:

powexec_toggle_on and powexec_toggle_off?

I have always just used the command:

powexecname, one push turns it on and another turns it off. It seems to me to be much simpler than focusing on doing one aspect (on or off). I mean, instead of running multiple bind .txt's to rotate themsleves out as need be, I just run three total binds.

/bind numpad7 "powexecname Bright Nova$$gototray 8"
/bind numpad8 "powexecname White Dwarf$$gototray 7"
/bind numpad9 "powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$gototray 0"

Since you can only have one form up at a time and activating another form overwrites the first, hitting numpad 7 shuts off dwarf or human and activates Nova, numpad 8 turns off everything and turns on Dwarf, and numpad 9 shuts it all off (going to the appropriate trays each time). What I am asking is, am I missing some benefit to not using the toggle on and off commands and running mutliple .txt's? Or am I good? And yes, my bind does activate Shining Shield when going to human, I just didn't list that here for simplicity sake.



Well, should there be lag, I don't want it just wandering on and off. If I'm turning it off, I want it *off.* Especially when dropping to human.

*shrug* You know precisely what'll happen. That's pretty much my entire reason.



Well, there's the lag reason that's already been covered - you might want the bind to just turn the power on or just turn the power off. Sometimes it's more convenient to use the bind to toggle it on and off and sometimes it's not.

Other reasons to use toggleon and toggleff - well, for toggleoff there's turning off a bunch of powers in one bind. You can only use one powexecname command in a bind but you can turn off as many powers as you like in one press. Many of my Tankers have a bind like that that turns off all armors and switches costume, and I've found it useful on my PB as well.

As for toggleon, it's useful for turning on a number of toggles. As mentioned, you can only use one powexecname command in a string, but you can use multiple toggleons. You'll need multiple keypresses for this one, but each time it'll bypass a toggleon command (because the toggle is already on) and proceed to the next toggle. In this way one bind can be used to turn on many toggles, though it requires a key press for each power turned on.

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