77448: Black Rose




Figure making a post for this in addition to the listing in the critique thread above.

Arc Name: Black Rose
Arc ID: 77448
Levels: 1-50 ( Custom enemy group )
Author global: @Tyger
Difficulty: Medium ( Contains EB in final mission. )
Overview: Jimmy "Epine Rouge" Krais has not reported in. He was last seen entering the lab of his mentor, Sorcha Rose. During the investigation of his disappearance, uncover the source of the corruption infecting Rose.

This is an arc that's been up for a while but hasn't gotten many hits.

Known issues: The ally in the final mission is set to spawn "front", but will at times appear at the very back of the mission.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Arc's been up since a couple weeks after AE went in and it's only had two people rating it. Same with my other arc. Do I suck that bad?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint