~Captain Mako Patron Arc 1 - Wednesday, July 1~

Aoide Muse



Mako's first arc was fun & short - I continued my dying ways picking up first death yet again (2nd mob of the first mission?).

Team Mid-40's:

Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
Longbow Spy-duh: Widow
General Damos: Mercs/Traps Mastermind
Marvel: (Damn, what was he playing? *sigh*)

As far as Ace McKnight goes, I didn't even see him - I was on the boat fighting some Knives when the Mission Complete popped-up...

Since it was so short, we decided to run Part 2 of Mako's arc...Marvel bowed out shortly after we began. After we completed the first mission & talk, the second team was finished with their arc, so Paragon & Scruffy joined us on our team...

By the 3rd mission however, I was getting extremely tired (I think a couple of others were as well ).

...but we pushed on & completed the arc - that last mission was fun - definitely need to get a KB protection IO or two to suppliment EA's protection...

Thanks for joining everyone, as aways it was a lot of fun!

For next week, I was planning on running the 'Cuda TF, but with all of the bugs I've been reading regarding the Temp Powers, I think I am going to hold off a week & try something less buggy.

So, next week will be the 3rd Villain Respec Trial followed by some MA missions if we feel up to it.

Thanks again!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Thanks for running this last night E! It was very fun, although very laggy on my end (stupid computer issues).

Marvel was on a Widow, whose name started with a "D", but I sure cannot remember the full name.....

Actually, I'm pretty sure you and I tied for first death I was standing right next to you trying to pop off a heal through the lag when we both fell over.

Yeah very sleepy during the last two missions, but still fun... except for the knockback. Yeesh!!!

Next week sounds like a good plan. That will definately pop me up over 45, so I'll finally be able to do all those SF that are 45+ Yay!

As for McKnight, he was only an EB, so that's why he went down so fast. I barely got the first debuff on him before he fell.


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
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Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
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Mako's first arc was fun & short - I continued my dying ways picking up first death yet again (2nd mob of the first mission?).

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Lol, I died on the first mob of the first mission. Quickly reminded myself just how squishy an Energy Aura Brute is without any IOs....



Mako's first arc was fun & short - I continued my dying ways picking up first death yet again (2nd mob of the first mission?).

Team Mid-40's:

Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
Longbow Spy-duh: Widow
General Damos: Mercs/Traps Mastermind
Marvel: (Damn, what was he playing? *sigh*)

As far as Ace McKnight goes, I didn't even see him - I was on the boat fighting some Knives when the Mission Complete popped-up...

Since it was so short, we decided to run Part 2 of Mako's arc...Marvel bowed out shortly after we began. After we completed the first mission & talk, the second team was finished with their arc, so Paragon & Scruffy joined us on our team...

By the 3rd mission however, I was getting extremely tired (I think a couple of others were as well ).

...but we pushed on & completed the arc - that last mission was fun - definitely need to get a KB protection IO or two to suppliment EA's protection...

Thanks for joining everyone, as aways it was a lot of fun!

For next week, I was planning on running the 'Cuda TF, but with all of the bugs I've been reading regarding the Temp Powers, I think I am going to hold off a week & try something less buggy.

So, next week will be the 3rd Villain Respec Trial followed by some MA missions if we feel up to it.

Thanks again!

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I was the hot-kick-butt Fort with the fish net nylons Mumidia

Got her about 6 bubs last night and to 44 so it was a good night.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



It was a fun arc, and I got some great shots of the grave map so I'll be working on my August calendar soon. I'm not sure on the caption yet though.. Maybe just "Potter's Field"? lol

I'll post it in this thread (and my sig) when I'm done.

Edit: DONE! (and I think it's my new favorite)
August 2009 CoV Calendar

Please tell me what you think... Thanks

(Also, I didn't realize photobucket was resizing my images smaller, so I finally upgraded and fixed the resolution to it's intended size and quality. I fixed July also.)

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Yes that is very nice and thanks for taking the time.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



Mateo_06 wrote:[ QUOTE ]
It was a fun arc, and I got some great shots of the grave map so I'll be working on my August calendar soon. I'm not sure on the caption yet though.. Maybe just "Potter's Field"? lol

I'll post it in this thread (and my sig) when I'm done.

Edit: DONE! (and I think it's my new favorite)
August 2009 CoV Calendar

Please tell me what you think... Thanks

(Also, I didn't realize photobucket was resizing my images smaller, so I finally upgraded and fixed the resolution to it's intended size and quality. I fixed July also.)

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Luna_de_Nocturne wrote:[ QUOTE ]
Oooh, very nice MB I like the new calendar!


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MarvelatMee wrote:[ QUOTE ]
Yes that is very nice and thanks for taking the time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you! I didn't like the idea of calling it "Potters Field", since it wasn't actually outside in Sharkhead, so I ended up re-reading the story of the arc we ran to find out what that grave actually was... The Leviathan's Tomb. I'm not sure if it shows up in any other arcs, but it's keeping the name anyway. lol

I actually had to do a little extra work on this one because of the bright flames. The white text was kinda blending in, so I had to outline it a little before I copied it over. I'm thinking I probably should have done the same thing with the calendar grid, but maybe it's not that necessary. I also forgot to put in the gray numbers for previous/next month dates. Well, things to keep in mind for September.. which will probably be something with the new i15 TF. But I don't have to worry about that for quite a few more weeks now. lol

Thanks again for checking it out for me.