AE for Fire/Fire




Hey all,

Back after a near 8 month hiatus, and am trying out the new Mission Architect system. I was thinking that it would be the perfect opportunity to make my 50 fire/fire feel like a beast, instead of the squishy underpowered scranker that he is. I was thinking of filling it with terror resistant mobs to maximize burn again.

Are there any mission arcs that you've tried that make your fire/fire- or any other tank for that matter- feel like an absolute monster?



There's a mission in Striga (I think) that's filled with Mech Men which is a blast since robots don't run from burn.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I've got an arc that's nearly all robots (the types of robots vary based on mission level) that may do what you're looking for. The dialog is somewhat groan-worthy, so be warned.

The title is "Rock 'em Sock 'em!" and the ID is 204003.


