Looking for SG




I'm looking to join an active supergroup for Villains on Freedom.

I've leveled a Mastermind to a high level already (and didn't like how it played in the end) and would actually like to see if there are any SGs for Villains that might help me get my new Blaster to some higher levels quicker.




Any reason why no answer? I'm a fairly new player...



Is it something I wrote in the post?



Maybe there aren't any VILLAIN groups that can help your BLASTER.. lol
If you need help with a Blaster, you should be looking for a Hero group.
If you are a Villain, then you're not using a Blaster.

In either case, it sounds like you are just asking for free levels with nothing in return. Not many people respond to that.

That, and you haven't told us anything about yourself other than you have a high MM and a new Blaster.

What time of day do you play?
What type of in-game activities do you enjoy?
What team-size do you prefer?
What skills do you bring to the table?
What can you do for the SG?



Whoops, lol, yeah, Corrupter I mean. Just for some reason Assault Rifle makes me think Blaster all the time.

I'm not looking for free levels with nothing in return. I'd stick with the group, and I have plenty of salvage I'd be willing to give them for their help...

I play in EST time zone and mostly anytime of day unless I"m working, then past nine.

I don't know what size group I like because honestly, I haven't been in many.

I don't know favorite in-game activites either really. But, I did like doing a Frostfire mission in The Hollows on a lowbie Tanker I made awhile ago.

I'd be willing to help a SG in anyway I can, I just need to find one (and one that is active and has more than 1 member on everyday) that will recruit me.