GUIDE: Reinstallation after reformat
IIRC the filename COHChecksum.dat sometimes needs to be deleted. I remember even after the OP instructions it would still re-download the game.
The file is named coh.checksum - not the one Ohsirus specifies (that doesn't exist).
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
The file is named coh.checksum - not the one Ohsirus specifies (that doesn't exist).
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah Thank you, was at work and I couldn't recall the EXACT name.
Ok, like me you may have the need to do a complete wipe of your system (some naughty new bug on your system that none of your anti-virus software can defeat for some reason perhaps?)
and don't feel like downloading the entire 2.8 Gigs of game files (for the people who don't have the DVD set)
1) Back-up ALL files in your c:\program files\City of Heroes folder to a removable media. (External hard drive, flash/jump drive, DVD-ROM) External media like the hard drive or flash drive is recomended due to possible data corruption (like I had to deal with trying to burn the files)
2) Wipe the system (probably the easiest thing you will do )
3) After re-install of your OS grab the media you saved your folder on but don't pop it in yet, grab the CoH/V Install file from here at NCSoft and run it
4) after the "install" completes and it runs the updater once, cancel out of the updater closing it completely
5) pop in your backup and copy EVERYTHING inside the COH folder on it, into the COH folder on your hard drive.
6) run the updater again which will do a CRC check on all the files. Once the files have been validated if any of them didn't pass the test they will end up being re-downloaded. If all your files are fine, skip to step 8.
7) while downloading, depending on your connection, flip on the TV, read a book or lurk in the CoH forums for stuff to learn about the game or write a tutorial on how to do something o.O
8) Load up CoH/V and beat up some bad/good guys!