Newb Ice/Kin Review
Ice/Kin is a great set for soloing and grouping.
You should know it is every lowbie's problem to: Not have enough accuracy or end redux, which leads to: running out of steam quickly. It's the nature of the game. It's something every toon goes through because you either don't have the inf to buy what you need, don't have enough powers to go around, are too low level to slot 'the good stuff,' and especially, don't have enough slots to properly enhance.
TOs are generally worthless; slot them as they drop on you but don't buy them. DOs are alright but not terribly so; buy a few ACC and End Redux as you go, or ignore them altogether (slot as they drop, otherwise don't bother). SOs are the standard of the game, and give a 33% boost each for even level enhancements. Many players still use these, but many have moved onto IOs, which never expire and always give the same value as you level.
Repel is a toggle that both costs endurance to run AND ticks for every enemy that bounces off you. Use it sparingly.
As this is your first toon, I would recommend skipping nothing in your primary or secondary, so you can get a solid feel of how your toon plays, and what you enjoy and dislike about it. Increase Density is a great power for any level; Disorients/Stuns are the most common debilitating mez in the game. Immobilizes and Holds are pretty high up there, too. (ID is also a great place to put some IO goodies for yourself later, when you start to figure that kind of thing out.)
Yes, the zones do get bigger as you progress in the game. Nerva Archipelago is over 2 miles long.
Take all advice with a grain of salt and do what you want. There are plenty of people who will tell you you're wrong, or how to do something better, but this is about fun. Do what's fun. You will learn a lot on the way if you explore.
And welcome to the game.
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Some might argue, but with me, I like having two acc, 3 damage, and either an end cost or recharge for the 6 slot on attacks, all the way to 50 (not speaking IO sets here.)
Transfusion gets two acc, 3 heal, one recharge in my opinion.
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Hey everyone,
I am on a trial sub and loving this game so far. Definitely going to go full member once it expires. I have a few questions about the lower level game in general and would appreciate a review of my build.
I have review a few guides and picked up some tips. Right now I am at level 9 and my build looks like this.
+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
Name: Coldness
Level: 9
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary: Ice Blast
Secondary: Kinetics
01 => Transfusion ==> Acc(1),Acc(3),Heal(5)
01 => Ice Blast ==> Acc(1),Acc(3),Dam(7)
02 => Ice Bolt ==> Acc(2),Acc(5),Dam(7)
04 => Repel ==> EndCost(4)
06 => Hasten ==> Rech(6)
08 => Freeze Ray ==> Acc(8)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)
I plan on making this a primarily pve build since its my first character and will worry about pvp either on another toon or with a respec later on. (wish I had taken either frost bolt or siphon power instead of repel to that effect but not a huge deal) I'm also hoping to group as much as possible once I get a few more levels and better understanding of the game.
As far as enhancements go is it necessary to take 2 accuracies for the upcoming levels? If my understanding is correct DOs should be available once I hit level 12 and they are twice as powerful as the ones I have been using. Does that mean I could switch to one accuracy after that and still see similar hit rates?
I am also having a bit of endurance issues, especially when I use either repel or hasten. Should I replace some of my damage with end reduction until I get some end related powers?
I also see allot of people recommending Increased Density much earlier than I would think. Why? Are the control effects much more prevalent in the later levels or is this a pvp thing? For pvp what level range would you recommend putting it off until?
Travel issues, from the part of the world Ive seen it seems to me that siphon speed should be enough to get around until I can get the group jump increaser from kinetics, do the zones get much bigger later on?
This is how I am thinking of taking the next few levels. How do the skills look, anything I am going to be completely skipping? Not to worried about the enhancements. I think Ill have a better feel for them once I get some more experience and answers to the above questions.
+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
Name: Coldness
Level: 24
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary: Ice Blast
Secondary: Kinetics
01 => Transfusion ==> Empty(1),Empty(3),Empty(5),Empty(15)
01 => Ice Blast ==> Empty(1),Empty(3),Empty(7),Empty(17)
02 => Ice Bolt ==> Empty(2),Empty(5),Empty(7)
04 => Repel ==> Empty(4)
06 => Hasten ==> Empty(6)
08 => Freeze Ray ==> Empty(8),Empty(9),Empty(9),Empty(11),Empty(17)
10 => Siphon Speed ==> Empty(10),Empty(11)
12 => Ice Storm ==> Empty(12),Empty(13),Empty(13),Empty(15)
14 => Hurdle ==> Empty(14)
16 => Health ==> Empty(16)
18 => Bitter Ice Blast ==> Empty(18),Empty(19),Empty(19),Empty(21),Empty(21)
20 => Speed Boost ==> Empty(20)
22 => Stamina ==> Empty(22)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)
I'm sure Ill think of some more stuff but thats all I got for now. Thanks ahead of time.