COH Deadliest Warrior II High Lvl Stuff




After the first round I am down to 12 groups. 11 slots were decided by a round robin between 3 teams with 4 fights of 3 boss vs 3 boss using the MA. Cobras won the 1-54 bracket so they got a free pass to round II . Best possible score is +24 meaning every boss lived and defeated every boss fought. Worst would be -24 (lost every fight and defeated no one)

Group A
Arachnoids +23
Carnies +24
Crey +24

Group B
Diabolique +10
Knives Artemis +24
Malta +19

Group C
Nightstar +13
Cim Traitor +12
Cim +12

Group D
Storm Elementals +23
Vanguard +24
Cobra (won 1-54 bracket)

Carebear Hall of Shame
Axis America -23 (vs Battle Maiden and Arachnoids)
Bobcat Followers -24 (vs Carnies and Black Swan)
Malaise Lunatics -24 (vs Infernal Demons and Knives of Artemis)

I may run these three later just to see who the worst bosses are in the high end.



One of the more interesting things coming from this is that many people claiming to "farm" are actually grinding. If you look at the missions they create they are using custom groups which are harder than the basic NPC groups . Sometimes the NPC group they pick from existing groups is one of the harder ones. If you are looking for the most reward for the least danger then groups like Prisoners, Winter Horder, Bobcat's followers or Malaises Lunatics are all very weak for good XP.

Something else I noticed is two of the toughest groups are COV groups. A new villain player can easily run into snake bosses and Legacy Chain Bosses with a much higher risk of a team wipe. Perhaps that discourages some people away from COV-side.



I would say the risk of a team wipe is cancelled out by the lack of crossing two or more zones to get from a contact to the mission they give you. The earlier enemies in COV are more dangerous, but it is made up for by the fact that the contacts give you missions in the zone you're in 90% of the time.

I'll take tougher fights over longer travel times any day.



The final results were

1) Malta Group +21
2) Carnies +13
3) Vanguard -11
4) Cimer-somethings -23

Watching the fights the Storm Elementals and Knives of Artemis were the next most powerful groups.

Vangaurd and the Cimer-somethings had a problem because at least one boss in their faction was being left out by the random boss function

A Group
Carnies +18
Crey +4
Arachnoids -22

B Group
Malta +11
Knives of Artemis +7
Dominatrix Followers -18

C Group
Cimer-somethings +24
Nightstar Androis -24
** The Random Boss function made both Cimer factions the same

D Group
Vanguard +11
Storm Elementals +2
Snakes -13
Nightstar Androis -24
** The Random Boss function made both Vanguard factions the same

Finals Round (1 pt per Boss left standing , 4 fights of 3 vs 3)
Carnies 5 Malta 5
Carnies 11 Cimer 3
Carnies 8 Van 3
Malta 11 Vanguard 0
Malta 10 Cimer 0
Vanguard 7 Cimer 0