Can someone give me a basic rundown of this AT?




IMO, you should be able to play *any* AT, even Tri-form Khelds, without using binds or macros and be effective. Binds and Macros, at most, should be a Quality of Life type of thing. Like IOs - they make things easier, but require more work to setup and are never required.

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I was the one who said their practically required. I was playing my WS without then initially. And then I found out that playing a tri-form WS without using binds and macros makes an already hard character even harder. I can easily imagine that most of the people who come here claiming kelds suck tried to play a multi-form keld without using binds/macros.

I take it then that you don't like masterminds then? To be a skilled mastermind you do have to use binds and macros.

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I'm not totally against binds - I have my Tab key bound to find Qs, Vs, Cysts, and Sappers before other critters, but I do strongly feel that any game utility that you have to use to be effective *and* where you have to go outside the game's enviroment to figure how to use it (ie. search internet for bind lists) and the only way you can find out about such things is word of mouth, unguided searching, etc,...well that is *NOT* good design.

*shrug* I've never played a Mastermind past lvl 15. I didn't have any binds and it wasn't too bad. If the higher levels do 'Require' binds, then I probably will never play a Mastermind to high levels.

If Binds are required, then they should be part of the game's general engine, explained with ingame help file, and easily accesable thru menus.

Consider the following:

/bind numpad0 "powexec_auto Dark Blast$$powexec_name Moonbeam"

This is a relatively simple bind, but how would anyone ever even know about it, much less how to code it, unless they were guided to it or stumbled across it. Such should not be required... I'm not arguing wether it is or not - only that it shouldn't be.



I hear you. Now granted a mastermind can get by using just the default 3 basic commands. Alternitivly you can switch to advanced controls and drag each command into your power tray. Your still using macros and binds. Even the 3 basic ones are using macros. Consider for masterminds the following scale.

A poor mastermind never gives their henchmen orders.

An average one uses the initial 3 commands.

A skilled mastermind uses the advanced controls.

A truely great mastermind uses a complex bind and macro setup for complete controls over each pet.

Now how about a scale for kelds?

A poor multi-form keld uses no binds or macros and has to manually click the arrow to switch power trays after switching forms.

A skilled multi-form keld uses binds and macros to switch trays/forms on the fly among other things.

A great multi-form keld knows WHEN to switch forms and how to do all the various roles.

Notice how there is no 'average' keld. This is because kelds require more skill to play then other AT's.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

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