Bosses in AE Missions
As far as I know all that does is give the boss a broader set of powers to work with. Sometimes that's good... sometimes it's bad... sometimes even Standard is bad for some powersets.
An EB with fewer powers is probably less powerful than one with more to choose from but they are both still Elite Bosses.
This is only my experience and I don't really feel qualified to answer these kinds of questions so YMMV. But I'm tired of the grouching in this forum and would really like it to mature into a useful place to get information and help.
So I'm working on a mission with a series of bosses. I don't want this arc to require a team or uber-purpled out toons - I'll leave that scaling to the player's difficulty level setting. However, I don't want the arc to get run through like cheap papertowels either.
When setting up Elite Bosses and AV's in your arc, my question is do the powers assigned scale? For example - I set up a minion with standard powers in the primary and the secondary. That makes them (we'll call it) minion strength.
However, when I set up an EB, if I leave them as standard in their primary and secondary, will their powers 'scale' to EB levels or do I need to bump their sets up to hard or extreme?
Sorry if it's a repetitive question! I searched the guides but didnt' see anything pertaining to boss difficulty scaling.
Many thanks!