Kudos to that Crazy Brute.




So I usually pvp in bb and SC on Freedom with my SS/Fire Brute. I love this Brute. My first melee toon. She is IO'd out, but built for pvp at the BB and SC lvls.

The population was down in SC, so I thought I would try pvp in another zone. Went to Warburg.

I was having a good time, and doing well considering it was my first time there with this toon, until another brute challenged me to a duel. I believe this brute was SS/Willpower.

Lets just say that the duel didnt go well for me. I didn't even dent this Brute. I do consider myself an ameatur in this zone, and my Brute isnt built for high lvl pvp, but still. I would be surprised if ANYthing could kill that Brute in a duel. Once again, I think it was SS/Willpower.

After reading for forums, I was under the impression that /fire or /inv is the way to go in this issue. Are we sure that Will power doesn't match up? Furthermore, I am also concerned that my Brute won't match up if I rebuild for higher lvl pvp.

Does anyone PWN with their SS/Fire in Warburg in RV? Should I maybe consider rolling /inv or /willpower?



Fire is a lot better. All you had to do was not stand directly next to him the entire duel. Kiting is the best way to beat WP.



Yea, fire is ok...but the only reason why somebody would/should play a brute in pvp is to taunt. Right now imo a brute with taunt is more useful then a pain dom corrrupter throwing at heals. The best brute to be a "taunt" bot is Inv. Over 3000 HP and great res to most dmg. But as far as i know WP is pretty gimp on brutes/tanks do to Rttc being messed up.