What does regen strive for?
wikia is complete outdated and not updated by the paragonwiki team
use wiki.cohtitan.com or paragonwiki.com
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Actually, the "Archvillain Resistance" page is wrong on both the wikia and cohtitan versions of the site. The "Archvillain" page has the appropriate information.
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makes a 'fix' note on my todo list
@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
...the only other famed */regen I know of that uses DP in a similar manner (re: actually letting it fall on a regular basis), Werner, is a Kat/Regen. DA/Parry allow for some very different set ups, but I wouldn't recommend a play style like that to anyone that wasn't also a Kat/regen or BS/Regen because no other set provides the same levels of additional defense as DA/Parry cane.
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I recommend perma Dull Pain to almost everyone, and along with that recommendation is that hit points that take you over the cap with Dull Pain up are very situational hit points, so should probably only be in your build as a side effect of other set bonuses that you were after.
Still, most perma Dull Pain builds don't have 20 seconds of overlap. Many of them are probably right on the borderline of having Dull Pain drop. Given that I also recommend holding off on hitting Dull Pain until you're injured, chances are that you're going to be sitting there without Dull Pain up and with fewer hit points than you'd prefer. But the majority of the time, Dull Pain is going to be up, so the logic is the same those extra hit points are situational, not a constant benefit like most hit points. So generally speaking, I'd recommend going after other bonuses.
And yes, I handled things very differently on my own Katana/Regen because I went for defense over recharge. My Dull Pain drops for a pretty noticeable period of time, during which I would be pretty vulnerable without some other hit points to fall back on, so I went for a whole lot of hit point bonuses that are wasted while Dull Pain is up. By a similar token, I went for a whole lot of regeneration bonuses to help further reduce the frequency with which I would need to hit my clicks. Whether or not it was the best build and playstyle decision, I'm not certain, but it works for me, and I did compare a whole bunch of different builds before settling on that approach.
Even with Katana or Broad Sword, though, my standard recommendation is to get perma Dull Pain, as much additional recharge as you can, not worry much about hit points over the cap with Dull Pain up. Defense is your second priority once you have insane amounts of recharge.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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