2v2 tourney on test -




freedom folks - think you got what it takes to take on other servers? Sign up in the pvp arena forum - below are the rules!

TEST 2V2 Tournament Sign Up –

Rules are as follows –

All matches will take place on test

All matches will be set to Travel Supression off, Diminishing Returns on, Heal Decay off.

All matches will take place on the agreed upon time and date. A forfeit will be declared 10 minutes after start time if BOTH players of one team fail to show up. There are no substitutions.

Map choice will be random (resets on troll caves and monkey cage)

One reset per teams allowed for Disconnects in the first Two minutes. If a player DC's after that, the match is played out or the remaining player can forfeit.

Vengeance is allowed.

Players sign up in teams of two, listing team name, player globals and registered toon. Each player will be allowed ONE AT per team.

For Example -

Team Phail:
Dark/Dark Corrutptor
@Jimmay's Mom
Dark/Dark Defender

Builds do not matter - you can bring a different build each match but it must be the AT and primary/secondary registered. If you have 3 EM/Willpower stalkers you can play any of them in any match - but if you registered an em/willpower and play a em/nin you forfeit the match.

Initial tournament match ups will be random, to be determined after sign up and before start date. Winners of subsequent matches will advance to face each other each week until there is one winner.

For Example -

Team 1 ----Team 2 wins
Team 2 ----Team 2 v Team 4

Team 3 ----Team 4 wins
Team 4

Team 5 ----Team 6 wins
Team 6 -----Team 6 v Team 7

Team 7 ----Team 7 wins
Team 8

and so on.

All AT’s are allowed. No team can consist of identical AT’s (ie no two stalkers or two blaster teams.)

Sign ups start today and will last until Monday June 8th. The number of sign ups will determine the number of weeks the tourney will run.

Matches will be Sunday 9:00 P.M. EST starting 6/14.



man, if this ladder dies out i gonna petition devs for griefing pvp'ers lol


