Atlas shard crash?
alot of people in Chrome Support were saying they were having this problem and then couldnt get back into justice. must be a server issue, but it didnt happen to me. It happened to like 10 other peole though
Yeah this has happened to me twice now. Atlas Park on Justice is completely screwed up right now.
Always a day late on these things.
I logged into Justice earlier today and noticed that from O-zone there was "Atlas Park 2." Yeah, methinks the first instance of Atlas Park got borked yesterday. If something like a zone-wide crash happens, /bug it and then also /petition it. In your /petition, you include something like "Just wanted Customer Service to know ZoneWhatever on ServerWhatever seems to be having stability issues."

I'm Tanking / Bruting so get familiar with my hand signals.
Was sitting in atlas trying to market stuff on a toon on my alt account when I lose conenction. No problem try to log back in and it says I'm still logging out. Try again.. still logging out. Try a different toon they get kicked and now they're still logging out..
Anyone else experiencing this?
Tried logging in another toon that wasn't in atlas.. that works..