Need advice on earth / thorny




Created an earth / thorny.
Would need some general advice on that combo. Mainly on what powers to skip and why.
This is for pve only, don't really care about the pvp part, but feel free to post if you got input on this too.

For now the little guy is 18, skipped prison, cages and crystals from earth and picked everything from thorny (had earth experience but not thorny so I kinda had to try).
I like darts, skewer & impale (ok impale is a bit slow but I love that animation), I use fling thorns when facing multiple (3+, sometimes 2) but I can't say it feels great for now (everything is still underslotted)...

I also usually pick stamina at 20, but if I wanna do that, I'll have to respec out of 2 powers. Was thinking about fling thorns & aim. While I like aim, I think I can cope with a couple more levels without. And I'm not doing that much AOE for now.

My main question was about thorntrops. Is that useful / worth it with earth? Sands provide a nice slow area, so I guess thorntrops would be just for the fear? Or to stack with sands? Anyone working with both?

Then the AOE, fling thorns & thorn burst, how good are these in the "end" (let's say at least slotted with 4 or 5 SO's)? I can't see myself going without any AOE, and while I LOVE the cages graphics, I don't really like slotting cages with procs & spamming these for dmg...
On the other hand I'm quite lazy with lining up a cone as short as fling thorns... I guess thorns burst will be ok being pbae.

I really enjoy how the combo seems to kill targets' defense, and can't get enough Quicksand, I really love this power (that's partly why I avoid cages, they tend to mess with the sands!).
I also like how Aim & Stalagmites share the same recharge, quite easy to fire both together, really helps offset the low acc of the stun, at least with crappy enhancers, heh. Handy when you cannot sands first for the def debuff.

Anyways, here are some randoms thoughts from these early levels, I'd really appreciate if people who've played that combination in the 30s & up could share how they specced, and what they enjoyed or disliked.




I've played both earth and thorns higher than 30. You're doing great on the earth side so far. Just try to fit in volcanic gases and animate stone too. As for thorns, impale sucks, you should respec at 35ish. Ripper and thorn burst are pretty good. No thorn trops and thorn burst is okay, but not necessary with a 6-slotted fling thorns (it deserves 6). It's a really nice AoE power, huge cone short range.



I have a lvl 45 Earth/thorn and Right now she is built for AOE. I use trops for slow damage and i keep cages so the knockback from my last two powers don't bounce the baddies about!

On teams my dom is devastating but a bit lacking in the dmg department until I got it's just sillySingle target wise you will shine actually but as far as a large mob it will take a little while...Also of all the doms I played second to fire/fire Earth/thorns can EASILY draw aggro more than my tanks and brutes!

I think it's all that Raw aoe. I will see cna i post my unslotted build later.