Dark Melee Wowzers!




Are the to-hit check and damage really worth it?

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Personally, I've always felt that the fact that it does damage is balanced by the fact that it has to hit. I personally feel that Castle should have reduced the recharge time when he did the rest of the DM fixes, but, eh, I'm happy with where it is now. That doesn't mean I couldn't be happier though.

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Agreed on all fronts. Like I said, it is a great power and I do take it on any toon that cannot take QR and Stamina. It would be nice to be able to save on a pool if the recharge on it was a bit better.

I have absolutely no problem with the "to-hit for damage" balance. Is there enough damage to warrant the base-180 recharge for it and Consume, though? Or is the "you can practically fire it for free" that is sticking the recharge where it is?

To be honest, the meleer's version of the powers is not what is urking me, right now. I can deal with it the base-180 timer on it. It is the Ancillary version for squishies. The base-360 recharge looks terrible next to the base-120 versions of Power Sink and the like of the other Ancillary or Patron sets even if you can get it sooner. I have been going building a few Defender and Dominator sets on Mids and Power Sink just looks like it would be much more useful than Dark Consumption for what I want it to do.

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



I've played dark melee for about 2 years through the meh phase and now and it's really flexible. I always liked having an escape/control mechanism(fear) and a heal(siphon life) but seeing the damage on SL go up made me like DM even more.