CoHMR Aggregator (a review thread)




Tonight's arc: When Madness Reigns Over Reason (452196). Verdict - ***. Review lower in this thread.

My current queue:

  • The remaining Galactic Protectorate arc: 06 (355068), starting no earlier than October 18th.
  • A rereview of Blood for Roses (161399). The only review on that page is mine, and I wouldn't trust it until the rereview is completed.
  • A review of Who Dares Wins (454805)
  • A rereview of Papers and Paychecks (298290)
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running this one on a high-40s DB/Fire brute, +1/x2 with bosses on.


Getting gene splicing done, no matter the cost. What, he sends squads into the miniaturizer to pull the strands together?

The doctor’s terrible accent darts between “dat” and “zat”. Maybe pick one?

Anyway, it’s off to get the Hamidon from the tank brigade. I hope Crey higher levels get a little more exciting in the future.

Some glowies to click, some computers to detonate, and some dirt to make visible.

Oh, Longbow shell casings. That’d make a good opening clue.

The Hamidon sample is trying to tell me something. What’s that, boy? All other life must be devoured? Oh, that’s so precious.

The doctor says “Thank you” in not so much cordiality.


And now to abduct the three cutest puppies in the world. Let’s see what this office looks like...

Oh. ‘nother tech lab.

Well, these may very well be the cutest puppies in the world, there’s no way to tell. But wow, nothin’ but AR customs can still wreck a man. ...were these AR customs? I saw a maneuvers-type aua so they may just be regular private security, but they stayed at range and did some terrible cascading defense debuffs.

Oh. The techs’ description says they’re going to be human subjects. The impression I got from the briefing was that they were going to be “recruited” to take care of the animals until my contact needed them.

The hero-type who tries to stop me warns me I’m working for an insane madman. ...well duh? I wonder how he knew my contact would be aiming for a zoo next. Is this just the sort of thing he does all the time?


And predictably things have gone awry and I’m rounding up the escaped test subjects.

So whadda we got down here? We got clawfighter cheetahs, superstrength wolves, and electro eels. S’awright. Maybe there’ll be an EB gator or somewhat.

Doesn’t seem so.

High Hope warns me again that he’s not going to stop. What kind of mad doctor stops just because of a little thing like the experiments escaping?


...well, High Hope didn’t shoot me last time, but it doesn’t seem like I have any real objections to getting him out of the way? Apparently heinous genetic experimentation is one thing, but framing a dude is where I draw the line.

So, off I go.

...wait, wait. I take the charges from a recycling bin, where apparently someone has misfiled them? That doesn’t say “misfiled” to me, more like “someone realized they were garbage and threw them away”.

And I’m keeping the list to use for blackmail. Because framing is only an intolerable moral offense when somebody else does it.


So my contact’s running off to turn babies into super soldiers. Well, it’s a more sensible breakpoint than framing some random dude, at least.

Oh, the asylum again? I’ll offer the same commentary I have for everybody: there are some early Vahzilok missions where they’re trying to take doctors from a hospital, and it’s just the blue-carpeted office. The blue-carpeted office is fine to use for a hospital - the asylum map is just a version with way, way more geometry for you to get hung up on.

For some reason he immediately laments his failure as I start breaking him down. I understand it’s union rules at this point to reveal your entire plan but I could pretty much guess.

Kinda weird he’s not planning to kill the kids, though, just breed one big happy master animaloid race family.

And that’s it. Poor little baby is sad that he got his evil plan one-upped and runs off to cry to Reichsman.


Storyline - **. Kidnapping innocent people, putting them through the genetic wringer, and killing the results when they get uppity is apparently perfectly fine. But a frame job? That’s beyond the pale? I have a weird moral compass.

There are a couple ways to go with this: murdering the escaped experiments is the turning point, so we decide to screw up the frame job. Or kidnapping babies is the turning point and the doc fills us in on the plan, sending us to frame High Hope while he gets into position.

For his part, High Hope shows up in the second mission with nigh-on precognitive knowledge of who ordered the raid and what their ultimate plans are. There isn’t really any explanation provided for how he came by this information; he just has it.

Design - ***. The asylum, while a questionable choice for a last map, doesn’t have any objectives that are particularly irritating to be accomplished in an asylum. The police station is a bit of a bad choice for the fourth map - it’s supposed to be the big moral tipping point, but apart from the question of worthiness as a tipping point, it also takes just about no time to actually complete, which doesn’t mesh well with what we do being all that important.

But the animal-people have reasonable powers and distinctive designs, making use of some of the new patterns to very good effect.

Gameplay - ****. Some of the enhanced perception armors on the animal-people lead to giant pileups in the sewer maps. But they’re using pretty standard damage types so that’s not too bad. The private security seem to be largely composed of AR customs, which means they never voluntarily clump up, and they cascade defense debuffs (I was sitting at -100% base defense at several points) so you may want to fold in some mace-nightstick types.

Detail - ****. Clues, descriptions, and dialogue paint a pretty clear picture of what’s going on here. My contact is a bit tight-lipped about what he’s doing up until the end, but that’s to be expected. My issue is more that what’s going on doesn’t make much sense than that it isn’t presented sensibly..

Overall - ***. An arc with some decently-designed genetic monstrosities to wrangle and a decent concept: science going too far. But the “moral choice” that takes place in a mission much shorter than the rest of the arc, making it seem unimportant, and the initial antagonist has an inexplicable knowledge of what’s really going on here.

Aeon Challenge Special Comment - Well, the concept is certainly sound - doing villainy-for-hire but then the stakes get too high. I don’t agree with the particular action that serves as the breaking point, as it seems much less morally repugnant than the mission just prior, but the structure’s fine.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: Who Dares Wins (454805). Verdict - *****. Review in MA Forums thread.

My current queue:

  • The remaining Galactic Protectorate arc: 06 (355068), starting no earlier than October 18th.
  • A rereview of Blood for Roses (161399). The only review on that page is mine, and I wouldn't trust it until the rereview is completed.
  • A rereview of Papers and Paychecks (298290)
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: Papers and Paychecks (298290). Verdict - *****. Review in MA Forums thread.

And so ends the Dr. Aeon special. Back to arcs without alignment trickery. Tomorrow's a night off but I should pick back up by Wed/Thu.

My current queue:

  • The remaining Galactic Protectorate arc: 06 (355068), starting no earlier than October 18th.
  • A rereview of Blood for Roses (161399). The only review on that page is mine, and I wouldn't trust it until the rereview is completed.
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Tonight's arc: Papers and Paychecks (298290). Verdict - *****. Review in MA Forums thread.
Thanks much for the review!

I'll look at the 4 Nemesis Automata bosses you mentioned. I need to keep at least one a boss in order to have enough diversity in the custom group to award full exp; but maybe I can make all the others into lieutenant rank with a larger escort, as you suggested.

Will check Ken's description as well.

Thanks again!

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
I'll look at the 4 Nemesis Automata bosses you mentioned. I need to keep at least one a boss in order to have enough diversity in the custom group to award full exp; but maybe I can make all the others into lieutenant rank with a larger escort, as you suggested.
Well, you can get cheaty here and put some downgraded bosses in a different enemy group and just have them display as "Nemesis Automaton" or whatever.

...I think you can do that, anyway. I've never tried using existing group names when I do my boss descriptions.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Well, you can get cheaty here and put some downgraded bosses in a different enemy group and just have them display as "Nemesis Automaton" or whatever.

...I think you can do that, anyway. I've never tried using existing group names when I do my boss descriptions.
What I ended up doing was demoting the Sales Automaton to lieutenant rank, then changing her power selections (mostly downgrading). I also reduced the number of fixed "Boss" details from 2 Sales Automata and 2 Office Automata, to just one of each. The intended result is that instead of fighting 4 bosses (plus Barbie and Deckard at the end), there's just 1 boss, and the Sales Automata should now be fairly different from Electric Barbie due to the difference in rank and powers.

Finally I changed Ken's description to be more Crey-centric, explaining that he's a loyal Crey employee that is being stalked by a psychotic woman claiming to be his wife.

Thanks again for the feedback!

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Tonight's arc: Blood for Roses (161399). Verdict - ***. Review lower in this thread.

Only one arc left in the queue. After it's gone I go back to random stuff from the site.

Or I could do yours!

My current queue:

  • The remaining Galactic Protectorate arc: 06 (355068).
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running this on a mid-40s ice/axe tanker, +0/x2 with bosses on.

As an aside, as this arc was originally created before the great forums revampstravaganza, the arc link on the CoHMR page is out of date. You may want to contact the site admin and have it changed or, as I couldn't find an appropriate thread on the forums, removed.


Lars the Immortal. Still rockin’ that default architect description. Might want to have that looked at.

Hmm. He’s talking like he has backup here. Here’s the thing about Striga Isle - it’s kinda like the Rogue Isles in that contacts are more looking out for themselves than acting as official arms of the FBSA. So his talking like he has somewhere to detain prisoners doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

I mean, he could be working closely with Longbow on this, but that’s something you’d want to call out.

And that brings up the idea of a Council front office in Striga Isle. Why? There’s a giant base with turrets and logos that dominates like a fourth of the island. This is not the act of someone who wants to keep a low profile.

It’s not that I don’t like the idea of raiding a front office and fighting nonstandard examples of an enemy group. I like that a lot, but of all the groups to have a powered arm of normal-looking civilians I would not pick the Council. They’re like Cobra in that regard: you can take the grunt out of the uniform but you can’t take the uniform out of the grunt.

I mean, if you’re looking for something light-hearted to do here, giant supersoldiers in suits, vampyri office-workers, and warwolves in janitorial scrubs are great.

Anyway, I grab some raw data and scoot.


And now to liberate an agent and save some genuine civilians. Good deal. Mission goes off pretty cleanly, stock Council are stock, if you picked this map you should be aware that the top floor can be a dose of concentrated crossfire pain.

There’s a mission wrapup clue but also only a single clue to grab during the mission. That’s always seemed a little off to me in general, unless the wrapup clue also includes prior missions. Maybe look at consolidating them somehow?


And now to grab Liberty’s Edge.

I meet her about halfway through the cargo ship and decide to see if she’ll run. When she bolts away from me I don’t follow, but it seems like the mission’s continuing as normal.

I go to look.for her and she finally manages to navigate her way to the ship’s door, and through it, though the mission hasn’t failed yet. Hmm. She bolted pretty late in the fight and her dialogue didn’t make it seem like she was running away. Is she set to bolt at like 90%? If she’s truly intended to be optional, given the difficulty of a stock BS/Shield EB she should probably turn tail earlier.

Looks like the captain’s an independent operator, thugs/traps. Decent fight, but I wonder what the debrief’s going to be like.

Oh. When she ran off she turned herself in. I don’t suppose there’s really any way to cleanly convey that in the limits of the Mission Architect. Maybe she actually explicitly surrenders at low health and if you keep beating on her the “death” message reflects that?


Next mission we go find her main squeeze.

Or, hmm. I find his personal effects, but everyone’s all on about how there was a traitor in the base who’s been taken care of.

I go talk to the security chief. At first it seems like he doesn’t have Focus Chi anymore, which is pretty kind of you, buuuuuuut it turns out at low health or maybe non-melee range he pops it anyway. Bleah. I wasn’t at or near full health at the time so I get plenty wiped.

Once again Harkins dumps what seems like a boss defeat line into the system text when he goes down.

The end mission clue seems to be dipping into the interstitials just a bit (talking about what Liberty’s Edge is going to do in the next mission). I suppose it’s alright, or would be if this mission didn’t explicitly say I needed to take the vital information I found to somebody else to be decrypted. As it is this is information my contact could better provide.

Not sure why he’s talking about the Council planting a false trail. I took it for a legitimate trail that we were misinterpreting.


Anyway, time to do a thing to a guy and save somebody’s lover.

On the way there I destroy a mainframe which according to system text stored the plans of an advanced super soldier serum. That’s... uh... a good thing? I guess? I had no idea it was even here.

There’s some riffing on this terrible disaster recovery plan (1: gather tiny fragments of hard drive, 2: pray) but it kinda runs the idea into the ground. There’s a perfectly legitimate reason why you keep only one copy of your essential data, that being because you’re a paranoid genius in an army of backstabbers.

On the top floor I find some 5th trying to get their doctor back (poor doomed idiots) and the neo warwolf. I get an objective to remove the doctor’s assistants but can’t really find them anywhere... until I drop back down a floor and find a robots/ff mastermind in a forgotten corridor.

The doc drops in disconcertingly fast time - the only real challenge is countering his alpha of EM Pulse. My neo warwolf ally dishes out redonkulous amounts of damage.

Something about the motivations here feels a bit off, but that’s more a story for the credits. The villains are in the slammer and the young lovers are reunited (for there is something of young love in all lovers). Cue ending theme.


Storyline - **. So you touch on it a little bit in the very end briefing, but the truth is that warwolves aren’t really created in the sense of being deliberately produced. This is dealt with in the Moonfire task force among other places. They’re accidents in the process of creating Galaxy troops - instead of a humanoid shell being puppeted by a Nictus, they’re a bestial shell being puppeted by a Nictus.

The important part is the “puppeted by a Nictus” part. The Nictus are kind of like a glowy purple Zerg, with a few important intelligent directors and a whole bunch of cannon fodder. They don’t really seem to care what shape the end shell is, only that there’s more Nictus. Making the implantation process more expensive and bringing the warwolves under the conscious control of their former human personalities (or of human handlers in the Council as the Mads seem to be planning) really isn’t something the Nictus or Arakhn really seem to be pushing for.

So who’s pushing?

I mean, on the one hand, this is a story of transformants after the pattern of the Leon Natale mini-arc, except bigger and splashier. On the other hand, this is a story of a serious power grab within the Council, someone trying to take the warwolves away from the Nictus -- but that story doesn’t seem to be in evidence anywhere.

Like Lars in the first mission implying he’s somehow got stable mainland connections, I don’t remember if these are new details or not. But they do contradict elements of the setting I kind of like. Especially Lars. He’s not a representative of Paragon City who wants to see the Council routed in an official aspect - he’s someone with a personal connection and a personal grudge, which serve to make him more relatable.

Design - ***. So for the longest time the “mission pacing” setting in the Architect didn’t actually do anything. Missions were the same all the way through no matter how it was set. And then it did, and Architect missions had greens in the front that people may not have been expecting. I don’t particularly mind greens except as they go flying from attacks that’d knock down even-level enemies, but something to consider is that allies guarded by greens will themselves be green, and Liberty’s Edge in the last mission spent a lot of her time doing what I can only explain as running from stuff that was purple to her.

The civilian Council members... well, they have reasonable powersets, but they don’t really make sense for reasons I’ve talked about earlier. They seem to be in there for some light humor, to which I only respond: which is funnier, a civilian working for the Council, or a Council supersoldier in civilian dress? The second one does it for me, no question. When you’re dealing with a group who tries to define themselves with a consistent visual styling, keeping elements of that style even when they wouldn’t be appropriate is a great way to indicate you’re not being serious.

Gameplay - ***. The balance of powers and how they play out doesn’t seem to have changed since the first run. Something you might want to consider about chaining objectives: there’s a whole lot of middle, and whenever you have middle objectives chaining off each other you run the risk of backtracking. This is referring to the end mission in particular: if you have a front objective, it can trigger multiple middle objectives, and one of those can trigger the end objective, and someone who searches carefully won’t have to backtrack.

Detail - **. There were a lot of new wrinkles added on this front, and while they’re consistent within the storyline they conflict with the world at large. What I’d really suggest here is to drop Lars Hansen and use one of the many Paragon City contacts who deals with the Council, as what’s happening here is more of a struggle writ large than a personal vendetta. One of the things about most heroside contacts is that they all tend to have some quirk that makes them unique but they never, ever show it except in their initial greetings, because they have to share their mission sets with like five other people. If you find someone who you think you can run with (I’d suggest looking at the Natural contacts on Paragon Wiki) then this is your chance to let them shine.

Overall - ***. I either discounted or ignored the terrible rating I gave to this arc’s design the last time I played it, as it was entirely related to odd circumstances that made the final mission surprise-failable. That’s gone now, and the other changes are kind of a mixed bag, so the overall rating remains the same.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Hey GlaziusF, since you're almost out of arcs to play, maybe you could give me some feedback on my entry into Dr. Aeon's 3rd Architect Challenge, "The Icari" (Arc ID# 458576)?

I've already submitted it to CoHMR, so hopefully it will be posted on the site soon. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with my "Galactic Protectorate" series; it's my first fully self-contained arc.

It's designed for Level 20 -24 Heroes, but you can run it with a higher-level character if you don't have one in that level range. The enemies are mostly Council and Circle of Thorns, so it's not nearly as challenging as my "Galactic Protectorate" arcs, but I wouldn't crank up the difficulty too high.

If you decide to run through it, I look forward to your constructive criticism, as always!

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Tonight's arc: Galactic Protectorate - 06 (355068). Verdict - **. Review in MA Forums Thread.

And from here on in, it's randoms all the way down.

My current queue:

  • The Icari (when it hits CoHMR, but no earlier than October 30th.)
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: Blood, Sweat, Toil, and Tears (15447). Verdict - ****. Review lower in this thread.
(also from the randomizer: It Starts In Atlas (381565), previously reviewed as **.)

And from here on in, it's randoms all the way down.

My current queue:

  • The Icari (458576), no earlier than October 30th.
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running this on a mid-40s ice/axe tanker, +0/x2 with bosses on.


Opening briefing sets the stage: Nemesis won, people are trying to create a resistance. Step 1: supply raid. Alright, seems straightforward.

Actually a bit quiet in here. No bosses, some slightly vocal patrols, but nobody really reacting to a hero. Then again they don’t have much of a chance to react at all.


Hmm. This is starting to seem familiar. Did you have this up in beta?

Anyway, pulling out a Resistance agent from a Nemesis office. Holliday finally acknowledges that I have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, for all the good it does him.

JASOND’s clue is the first one I’ve gotten that’s been more than just a restatement of something I’ve just done. Which I suppose is alright as far as it goes, but you’d think I’d be taking notes or something.


Hmm. Off to stop a bunch of Jaegers rolling off the production line.

...though the factory looks deserted.

Well, no wonder. Looks like I’ve been set up for an ambush. Another sniper down and it’s clear.


And now, we freein’ a cave base. I notice some patrols spouting out multiples of their dialogue - you don’t have to do that these days, NPC dialogue has a huge range, so make a talky patrol and multiple silents to make up the bulk.

It would seem that this was all Nemesis’ trial run for a new sort of automaton that can’t be detected by the Resistance’s existing means. Ominous.


Storyline - ****. Well, this arc would serve as an intro to another arc or series of arcs dealing with this Nemesis Empire Earth. If there were such arcs. But there aren’t.

Honestly the first mission feels a little superfluous. It’s kind of an intro to the intro. It would be a good place to introduce any novel aspects of the Nemesis Empire’s soldiery, except there don’t seem to be any.

Perhaps you could make some?

Design - ****. Everything feels a bit too short. I think the real culprit here is the last mission, which takes place in quite a tiny cave, though mission 3 is also pretty small. The only really substantial mission is the second one, and it doesn’t exactly fit the story that the panic bleeding off mission 3 gets resolved so speedily.

Gameplay - *****. Perhaps as an upside to everything feeling too short, everything gets resolved in pretty short order, though I wouldn’t have minded the occasional actual boss fight here and there.

Detail - ***. There really isn’t much in the way of clues to be found or revealing minion chatter. Maybe we could find some kind of prototype automaton design in the mission 3 factory just to twist the knife a little bit?

Overall - ****. An arc with some interesting ideas and a concise execution that ends up feeling just a bit insubstantial.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: The Sinister Song (454892). Verdict - **. Review in MA Forums Thread.

My current queue:

  • The Icari (458576), no earlier than October 30th.
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: 30 Minute Hero (386310). Verdict - ***. Review in MA Forums Thread.

My current queue:

  • The Icari (458576), no earlier than October 30th.
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




If your queue is getting empty and you want to get your post-apoc on, I'd really appreciate a review on my first two "Scorched Earth" post-apocalyptic COHverse arcs. They're basically done, but didn't get too many plays so I am kind of stumped about improving them. I experimented some with alternative storytelling / narration methods in the villainside arc, so that could especially use a good evisceration.

"Kali's Scythe", heroic, levels 20-25. ID: 445456 COHMR:
"To Reign in Hell", villainous, levels 20-25. ID: 448234 COHMR:

The arcs share a thread:

Note that the two arcs are in the same setting, but they don't form a multi-arc story (in fact, they take place at approximately the same time, lore-wise).

Thanks in advance!

-- Z.



Tonight's arc: The Icari (458576). Verdict - ***. Review in MA Forums Thread.

My current queue:

If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: To Reign In Hell (448234). Verdict - ****. Review in MA Forums Thread.

My current queue:

If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: Dhahabu Kingdom and the Unfathomable Nightmare of Sand (453511). Verdict - ****. Review in MA Forums Thread.

My current queue:

  • A review of Kali's Scythe (445456), no earlier than November 11th.
If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I'd like to have my arc, Cadence Arc #466154, reviewed. I'd especially like comments on the custom group in it since I'm thinking of using them elsewhere and would like to know if they need to be worked or not.



Tonight's arc: A Falling Angel (133390). Verdict - ***. Review below in this thread.

(Other already-played arcs encountered in the process of picking this random:
Dr. Dave and the Copper Legion (60280). *****
The Fight of Angels (329420). *
Spanks for the Memories (21144). **
The Portal Bandits (3326). ****
The Chronal Revision Engine (117678), which seems to have vanished since it was first posted.)

My current queue:

If anybody else wants in, the instructions are in the first post. A part of these instructions, perhaps pertinent to this post: I always vote 5 in-game, as it seems a bit uncouth to ask people to jump through hoops and then bomb their rating.

Something that isn't in the instructions but could stand to be said: CoH Mission Review isn't my private site. It's not even my site. Anybody's welcome to leave a review on anything, and it doesn't even have to be as long as the critical monstrosities I find myself putting out now and again.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running this on a mid-40s merc/TA mastermind, +0/x2 with bosses on.


Well. Judging from my contact’s description it looks like we’ve got a vigilante who wants to take that last step down.

Hmm. Well, it’s not like I’m not doing scutwork for people in Grandville anyway, but it feels a bit odd being treated as a hired thug by an outsider. What I won’t do for the feel of that legal tenderness.

Capturing a Mu boss, I get an objective to lead him to some databanks, but the splodge he responds to is on the door out. You can actually lead NPCs to databanks or other glowies now, which may make for a more eventful reception in this case. I’m guessing this is an old arc.

Anyway, I try and pry information out of the head of security, with about as much luck as trying to pry Captain Mako off his dinner, and go rummaging for a list of locations with a pretty minimal descriptor.


Apparently my contact’s power is developing a mind of its own, and she wants to know why. I wonder if it’s done something wrong, but a briefcase full of money can buy a whole lot of no questions.

Hmm. The Banished Pantheon say there’s some terrible power waking up in Ebon Angel, and I find the instructions for some kind of ritual using life force to breach a dimensional barrier. Presumably the Banished Pantheon want to bring their old gods back.


Ah. Okay. They made off with the head researcher for that purpose. Apparently we’re going to stop them so the world doesn’t come under someone else’s oppressive thumb, and so Ebon Angel can ask the Banished Pantheon some questions.

In the face.

Hmm. Okay. My contact’s SG buddy warns about some kind of trickery, and apparently the Mu mystic was brought in and then summarily ignored.

Well, the only thing to do is complete the mission.

Apparently Ebon Angel was the gateway, and Adamastor gave up its own... life force? to bring back the old gods.

Does Adamastor even have that in the conventional sense? Life force, I mean. I thought he was some kind of demon god who was sealed under the sea.


...why am I deciding to risk my own life to save the world, again? I mean, I’ve been a hired thug all this time. My contact seems awfully blase about this whole thing. It’s not like there isn’t some silly heroic type who’d just be chomping at the bit to do this.

...or her entire supergroup?

Anyway, the Hamidoffice gets used to good effect as the “green dimension”, and there are the standard boss masks, with big entourages and big ambushes.

I see the last ritual one floor down from the top, and when he goes down... the mission completes?

I run up top to see if there was some mistake, but... no. The last mission runs out before the top floor.


Storyline - ***. Why am I deciding to risk my own life to save the world, again? I can kind of buy this as a rogue arc, starting out with payment but eventually putting that by the wayside in order to be helpful/because conditions demand it. But my contact was reaching out to me because she didn’t want to involve her supergroup in things -- when it becomes more a matter of closing the giant rift that’ll unbanish the Pantheon they’d probably be more in favor.

Also there’s the issue that the Banished Pantheon are willing to sacrifice Adamastor for something as relatively fragile as this rift turns out to be. Maybe I hit it at the right time or something? Anyway, the Banished Pantheon shamans are actually all modern-day mortals who’ve gotten wrapped up in the cult. You could probably whip up a boss-level necro/storm custom to give up his life for the cause, rather than Adamastor.

Design - ***. The giant boss fights with giant ambushes are a pretty challenging way to end this, but given that the mission immediately before required me to fight a custom controller boss and a giant monster, it makes it seem like closing the rift isn’t really that big a deal.

Also, while the last mission works as kind of a weird green chaos monster version of the mission prior, can you pick a prior mission with a larger end room? About one-third of Adamastor was clipping through the roof tiles.

Though I’m not really taking off for this, other things like the Mu turning traitor in the first mission could be pulled off in more believable ways with modern escort technology.

Gameplay - ****. Mostly stock challenges here. The one custom is decent to fight on account of the help I’ve got with me at the time. For some reason the Mu escort in the first mission likes to run off into enemies and stare at them, which seemed to play into aggroing them on me.

Detail - ***. No real clues for the last mission here, when they’d kinda matter most. I guess if I had the sense that this portal was really an immanent danger that only I could stop I wouldn’t be so skeptical of how things turned out. But as it stands, my contact doesn’t seem too worried about it - this may be down to low morale, but she’s my only source for the truth of what’s going on.

Overall - ***. An overall solid arc against Arachnos and the Banished Pantheon that runs out of steam at the very end.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Thank you for creating this forum, I'm going to post mine on the site, FINALLY a place where those not in an SG, etc. I've tried to get my arcs reviewed for the longest time and some way to give me motivation to create more arcs for those extra slots I purchased. Thank YOu!!!!

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!