help with mind/eletric




never heard ppl talking about this build, or saw any guide
any1 could help me with advise?
is it good for pvp, since mind is a great pvp set and eletric is good as single dmg
pros and cons

thnx a lot






You're clearly not looking.

[/ QUOTE ]

In his defense, I started up a mind/elec recently and there's not that much out there. Some older mind/ guides and an /elec guide, and ~3 posts before this mentioning it last time I used search.

That said, I don't have any advice on the topic. Mine's fun and easy in the early levels, other than having terrible damage (which is more AT than powerset).



Then again, there's a giant pvp thread that's popped up since I last looked that really answers all his Q's...



Note that you'll probably go insane soloing later on with Mind/Elec. I mean, it's efficient, but locking down a small group and then pounding them individually is godawfully boring. I'd give anything to run into a huge group and just smack the crap out of them with a bunch of AoEs.