End game in CoX?




For me, once I hit 50, I go back and do it again. I find -being- 50 fairly uninteresting. If I can do everything ( and I usually can with a lv 50 ), why bother? Go back to lv 1, learn a new powerset, a new archetype, new combos, try a villain or a hero, run different missions. Try new content. It's all good. Have fun. After 60 months, I am still playing and learning. It's a great game with a great community of players.

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If you are asking what kind of cool stuff do you unlock end game, You get The VEATs or Epic ATs, The cool thing with online games though is it never really ends. (Until devs run out of funds) There are all kinds of cool stuff to do ounce you hit lv 50 though, TFs, SFs, Raid(scratch that), Base editing, pvp, MA, etc. Talking to friends.

I Have the most awsome travel powers in the game, and it's all thanks to lag! They are :

- (SSS) Super Slow Speed
- (RBTP) Rubberbanding TP
- Instant Death while Server D/C's

Don't you wish you were me? Well now you can with LAG POWER! -Phoenix



What keeps me playing at lvl 50 is motivation. Purps, influ, and prestiege are the main sources I use. It keeps me grinding the same boring content to achieve my goals. Do what motivates you to keep playing. I also lub boss farms bc it requires good teamwk and mass zerg fests which I think is CoX's bread n butter.