CoH FOE v 0.5 BETA released!




Good day to you, fellow forumites. I have a new toy for you to play with, if you so choose to. I have made an application that should make regular forumites' and guide writers' jobs at least slightly easier. I present to you....

[u]City of Heroes Forum Offline Editor![u]

or, CoH FOE for short.

I have made this because of how long it always seems to take me to make long posts and make/edit my guides, and because as of this moment, we still have NO CLUE when or if we'll EVER move to the new forums. Out of that frustration and frustration with the built-in online editor, I have created a more elegant way to edit and make new posts.

Why will this make MY life easier at least?

Many reasons:

<ul type="square">[*]I can add code into the MIDDLE of a post, unlike the online editor which always pushes code to the end[*]I can make my forum text ANY possible color with the easy to use Font Color Picker! (with special thanks to GoldenAce for his list!) That's right, ALL 142 colors in one easy to use menu![*]And, most importantly to me, I can edit the document and save it as a text file for future use or print it out. It even has an Always On Top button so I can browse and write at the same time.[/list]
I know what you're saying, "yeah, yeah, I can do almost all of that on Notepad". Sure you can, but this editor inserts code FOR you rather than having to type it all out! That is what I love about it.

So, how do you get to try out this editor? I'm glad you asked. There are two applications you need to install to run it. First, you must get the Visual Basic 5 runtime library. Then, you must install the actual application itself. That's it!

Where can you get them?

Well, lucky for you, I put them all in one place for you!

Included in that web folder is also a screenshot so you can see what you're getting before you download it. In case you want a direct link to see what the program looks like, here you go!

If you have no use for it, so be it. But I know I have many uses for it, so I figured I'd share it with the rest of you. Keep in mind, it IS a beta and hasn't been thouroughly tested, so it may have a bug or five in it.

One final note, this post was itself edited in FOE. Why? Because I can!



you put a lot of work into this. Good job.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]

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