Ambush not working correctly?

Dechs Kaison



Hi! I hope I'm asking this in the right forum. I'm having an issue with my story arc and I can't figure out how to resolve it. My story arc is based on a Frankensteinish plot where a mad doctor gives life to "monsters" And in the end while you are facing him in the final conflict when he calls to his creations for assistance they turn on him, helping the heroes instead... Now as for game mechanics, I have my ambush set to spawn when the boss is at 1/4 life. I have the ambush set as allies, however when the ambush spawns, MAYBE one or two of the minions in the group run to the combat, the rest just sit there like they're bored and don't really wanna come play. Is this a bug or is there something I can do to make them more enthusiastic about giving their creator the ol beat-down?

Infinity: Starbright, Little Darkstar, Fusion Meltdown, Thief



You could make sure it's a "Hard" level ambush, that way there's more of them available to fight.

The way the ambush works, though, is that they ambush to the player, not the boss. If the player is staying far away from the boss, the ambush may never even "see" the boss.

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Allied ambushes are presently bugged, yes. Only one (or if you're very lucky, two) of the spawned entities will actually follow the tracking path to the player. The others will just stand around at the spawn point.

A workaround (though cumbersome and probably inappropriate to your particular setting) to this is to give the allied ambush dialogue that indicates where it spawned and that the player should drag the enemy boss to them.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
